1WELLNESS INTERVENTION Poster Abstract: Obesity due to the lack of physical activity The poster for the wellness intervention will have a plan for the betterment of the target population. The chosen issue is the prevalence of obesity between the age group of 18-24 years in Australia. The public health concerns in this demographic is alarming due to the prevalence of this health condition because it is the root cause of several chronic lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (The Heart Foundation, 2020). The reason this condition is highly prevalentinthe target population is because they are not familiar with the concept of physical activities, which is the reason they should be made aware about its consequences. The statistical data shows that average total of 17.1% of adults between the ages of 18-24 were found to be obese in 2014-2015 (The Heart Foundation, 2020). This is an alarming rate considering that this is one in every four adult, which consists of more than two million adults in Australia. The intervention of physical activity will be beneficial for this target group because they are young and they can adapt to strenuous physical activity planned for them.Including physical activity in our daily routine and having an active lifestyle is important to reduce the chances of obesity as it helps in burning the adipose tissuesin the body(Schranz et al., 2016). The chosen wellness intervention for this lifestyle disorder is physical exercise plan and it will cover the dimensions of SPECIES model. Wellness theory is a holistic approach that is measured through social, emotional, physical, spiritual, occupational, cultural and financial balance. A person whose lifestyle is related to a wellness approach has the potential to reach the highest limits. The SPECIES model covers 7 dimensions that include social, physical, emotional, career(occupational),intellectual,environmentalandspiritualwellness.Thewellness intervention of physical activity is directly and indirectly related to the wellbeing of this model. Being physically active relieves people of health complications, which is connected to their
2WELLNESS INTERVENTION emotional, occupational, spiritual, environmental and intellectual wellness. If we are physically fit we can fulfil our roles andresponsibilitiesmore efficiently and that will lead to a better emotional health without stressing out about our career, finances or social wellbeing (Reese et al., 2014) The chosen plan is effective for the chosen population because physical activity increases the total energy expenditure that helps in controlling the energy balance, which helps in losing weight. The key point for the efficiency of this wellness intervention is eating according to a calorie limit. The fat is reduced around the belly that decreases the chances of abdominal obesity, which is a threat to the health of the target population (Brown et al., 2016). The implementation of this plan will consist of an awareness program that will enroll the target population. After this awareness program, the participants will follow an exercise plan for 12 months.The outcome will be an achievement of healthy BMI for the participants according to their physical parameters and the goal will be to design an accurate exercise plan individually according to their body type and metabolism (Hoare et al., 2017). The milestone of reducing the rate of this disease will be achieved after12months.
3WELLNESS INTERVENTION References Brown, R. E., Sharma, A. M., Ardern, C. I., Mirdamadi, P., Mirdamadi, P., & Kuk, J. L. (2016). Secular differences in the association between caloric intake, macronutrient intake, and physical activity with obesity.Obesity research & clinical practice,10(3), 243-255. Hoare, E., Stavreski, B., Jennings, G. L., & Kingwell, B. A. (2017). Exploring motivation and barriers to physical activity among active and inactive Australian adults.Sports,5(3), 47. Reese, R. F., Lewis, T. F., Myers, J. E., Wahesh, E., & Iversen, R. (2014). Relationship between naturerelatednessandholisticwellness:Anexploratorystudy.TheJournalof Humanistic Counseling,53(1), 63-79. Schranz, N. K., Olds, T., Boyd, R., Evans, J., Gomersall, S. R., Hardy, L., ... & Vella, S. (2016). ResultsfromAustralia’s2016reportcardonphysicalactivityforchildrenand youth.Journal of physical activity and health,13(s2), S87-S94. The Heart Foundation. (2020). Overweight and obesity statistics. Retrieved 30 March 2020, from https://www.heartfoundation.org.au/about-us/what-we-do/heart-disease-in-australia/ overweight-and-obesity-statistics