
Factors Impacting Adolescents of Parental Separation on Mental Health and Development


Added on  2022-11-01

31 Pages12042 Words184 Views
Higher EducationDisease and DisordersPsychology
What factors impact adolescents by the separation of parents and how does this affect
their mental health and development?
Choosing a topic and refining the question:
The issue of parents separation is a widespread one and it is clear that the offspring are
affected to a varying degree from it. However, due to the nature of the problem, it might be
difficult to put an end or be able to control it. As a result, the specifics related to the issue need
to be looked into so that the factors and their impact can be isolated. When forming the question
at first, the focus was on the impact. The mental health of the adolescents is most affected as
they are at a troubling stage where their body as well their perception is changing. Hence, it was
clear from the start that the target group of offspring will be adolescents. After a brainstorming
session and brief research about the topic was done and followed by making a mind map.
During the research, many case studies were considered which explained that the impact on the
adolescents was not always the same and the intensity of the effects varied to a great degree.
Then it became clear that the factors or characteristics of the divorce, parents dynamics and
that of adolescents need to be considered. Hence the research question was narrowed as now
focused factors that impacted adolescents.
Due to the nature of the question and the impact on the mental health, behaviour and attitudes
of the adolescents, the research will involve struggle as the results and impact on mental health
will be difficult to quantify. However, the topic gathered interest because of the currency and
relevance. The question plagues the minds of many researchers as well that of commoners.
Children coming from broken homes have undergone trauma that is relieved to various extents
with the passage of time. However, people are still aware of certain specifics which are often
considered undesired about the individuals who come from broken homes. As a result, the topic
was chosen to shed some light on the problem.
The research question developed much from its first inception. It was clear that the topic would
focus on the outcomes of belonging to broken homes. But the question was too broad and
difficult to satisfy within the scope of the research. Asa result, I chose to add some quantifiers or
specifics to the question so that is more focused and narrower.
Through research and case study analysis, two other subtopics came into relevance. The
consequence or impact of parental separation on the offspring was immense. However, by
defining the nature and intensity of the impact will not do justice to the question. And I felt that
this information would only serve to mark the differences between offspring who come from a
broken home and the ones who do not.
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The factors underlying the separation of parents that in turn impact the offspring were
considered to be a more relevant topic. Also, the knowledge of these factors can also allow
parents to decrease the impact on the mental health of the offspring. As a child is most
susceptible, troubled and keep up with their changing body is during adolescence. Also. surveys
suggest that most marriages either break out in within 2-3 years or after 10-13 years. In the first
scenario, the offspring is too young to understand the specifics of the situation to be acutely
impacted by it. However, in the second case, they are grown up, their emotional quotient is also
active, which make them aware of the dynamics between their parents.
Some questions that were considered before were as follows: what is the impact of parental
separation on the offspring(s)?
What is the impact of the separation of parents on the minds of adolescents?
What factors play a role in impacting the mental health of adolescents undergoing parental
Taking into account, the aforementioned facts and discussions, the question came into
existence as it is now: What factors impact adolescents by the separation of parents and
how does this affect their mental health and development?
Reflection: the refinement process of the question helped me to focus on the problem not only
through the facts and information available to me. But I also considered my perception of the
problem and my will to provide key understanding of the issue which could be used for welfare.
This process made me acutely aware of the fact that it would be difficult to quantify or measure
the impact as a result, it would be more sensible to identify the factors that bring about the
outcome. Refining the question, as a result, proved to be of the essence as I would have
struggled with the question which was too broad to be dealt with in this research.
Through this research process, I hope to develop my analytical, research and time management
skills. The research project would involve both primary and secondary sources which would help
me to enhance my knowledge base and professionals skills like handling bulk data, interviewing
people, being organised, professional and approachable. Also, the research project will be filled
with opportunities where I would need to make a decision and overcome problems or
hindrances. The whole process is to fare through these issues and develop a project that
elucidates the question.
Research methods and processes:
The research project would involve both primary as well as secondary sources. This would
ensure that the information presented in the project is based on established facts and also
represents the real scenario. Facts collected from secondary sources help in developing the
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concepts or sub-topics related to it whereas primary sources help to quantify and understand
the nature of the problem in the present or real-life scenario. Secondary sources used will
belong from variety of sources like journals, research articles, blog entries, case studies, reports
and surveys. All these sources will be duly credited and evaluated for their relevance, currency
and objectivity. It is essential to ensure that the sources of information are chosen in order to
enable a holistic comprehension of the issue. The choice of sources should be impacted by
personal bias or need to present the issue in a certain light. The same is true when handling
data from gained from primary research tools. Raw data needs to be processed and assimilated
so that clear inference can be drawn. It will be ensured that the data collection and data analysis
process will maintain the authenticity of the data and it will not be impacted in any way.
Personal and social capability
The personal and social capability is developed through the research as I will be able to
understand myself and other people, I meet during the research project. It would be
necessary to establish a professional relationship and be considerate of their lives, work,
social values and etc. this capability will be used and enhanced in the research work as I
would have to deal with the workload and produce the project within the given deadline.
This would require me to manage myself, emotional health, physical health and time.
In order to be able to produce quality work on time, I have created a system to
constantly evaluate the progress made in a given time period. The whole work will be
broken into smaller tasks which will enable me to schedule them better. I will be free
from the pressure and stress of not being able to deliver the work on time and can also
evaluate my own work.
Ethical understanding capability
This capability allows for the understanding of ethical and moral consideration that need
to be accounted for to produce a work that has been procured through relevant sources.
A strong social understanding of value systems and ethics was gained which allowed me
to comprehend the context and manage conflicts whenever they arise. Personal
attributes of honesty, empathy and respect for others and their work is nurtured through
the project work. The information collected from both primary and secondary sources
have been referenced and have not been plagiarised. Also, the participants who were
involved in the primary research survey have been briefed about their role and have
filled a form where they have agreed to share the experiences. Their names and other
testimonials have not been recorded and hence cannot be shared.
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Ethical Considerations and time management:
The ethical consideration were all fulfilled and the research is a piece of genuine, moral and
relevant literature that has been collected from both primary and secondary sources. Both these
sources have been acknowledged and the personal information of the participants of the survey
have not been collected and cannot be shared. In order to be on time, grant chart was made
and the project tasks were divided accordingly. This provided an informed perspective about the
progress of the work and allowed me to take planned breaks in order to relieve the stress from
the work.
Main activities
and stages
Day 1 to
Day 4 to
Day 7 to
Day 11
and 12
Day 13
to 15
Day 16-
Day 20
Selection of
the topic

Collection of

Planning the
proper layout


of the
research plan

Selecting a

primary data

Data analysis
of findings


Project rough
Factors Impacting Adolescents of Parental Separation on Mental Health and Development_4


Reflection of the effectiveness
A concept map was made to understand the subtopics and related concepts that would be dealt
with in the project. This enabled to visualise the whole scope and reach of the project which was
not possible before. This was the tasks were easily divided according to subtopics and research
processes and a grant chart was made to divide the work in the given time.
Action plan
An action plan was created for three weeks where the proposal was designed and conducted.
The action plan comprises the ideas that I already have and how to build upon them.
What do I already
What do I need to
What sources will I
What evidence will I
collect for the
Separation or
divorces of
the parents
have an
impact on
their offspring
belonging to a
broken home
are often
There is a
attached to
belonging to a
broken home
or being
raised by a
single parent.
The impact of
separation on
mental health
The factors
that leave
greater impact
caused by the
The incidence
prevalence of
Primary sources
Secondary sources
Mental health
Blog entries
Case studies
Concept map
Action plan
Grant chart
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the impact
Secondary Research: Source Analysis
Source type: article
Reference: Australian Institute of Family Studies, (2012), Parental separation from an
adolescent perspective: What do they say?, Retrieved from
Purpose: The paper brings to light the findings from the interviews with adolescents who hail
from a broken home or separated families.
Summary: This article provided an opportunity for adolescents to present their views and
experiences related to their parent’s separation. They are required to make substantial
adjustments that put pressure on their emotional as well as mental capabilities.
Relevance: the articles are highly relevant to the research question, as rather than approaching
the topic through research, theories and other forms of facts, it is better to understand the
situation the adolescents find themselves in and move on from that (Department of Justice,
2015). As a result, this article is the first piece of information that is included in the portfolio as it
is key to the understanding of the scenario that leaves a considerable impact on adolescent
Bias: the article is based on the “Views of Adolescents in Separated Families: A Study of
Adolescents’ Experiences After the 2006 Reforms to the Family Law System” by Lodge and
Alexander, 2010. It is clear that the writer heavily depends on the views put forward by Lodge
and Alexander rather than finding their own.
Useful information: After the knowledge of parental separation, the adolescents find themselves
at a range of feelings that range from relief to disbelief and a wish for them to reconcile again.
However, most of the adolescents agreed that the separation was logical and thought out rather
than being born out from a whim, their understanding enabled them to come to acceptance with
the separation but at some cost (Shafer et al. 2017). They were also aware that their parents
tried to shield them from the tensions between the parents, but it only made the situation more
Further scope of research: this article created a base and provided context for the scenario
(Ribar, 2015). It provided me with an understanding of how adolescents are acutely aware of
the situation and family dynamics that are evolving and required to put up with that. This
requirement will be researched further to understand how it impacts their mental health.
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Source: Research journal
Reference: NCBI, (2017), Parental separation in childhood as a risk factor for depression in
adulthood: a community-based study of adolescents screened for depression and followed up
after 15 years, Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5370459/
Purpose: Prior research has been conducted to investigate the association between parental
separation and health outcomes. However, there is no study to delineate the impact of parental
separation on the mental health status of adolescents. The study presents the prevalence of
depression as a long-term health condition among adolescents (Haimi and Lerner, 2016).
Summary: parental separations have many consequences on the mental health of an
adolescent, the most important one being depression and anxiety. It appears to be the
moderators and is intensified as they grow up into independent adults.
Relevance: the research is relevant and the data presented has several strengths. The sample
size is large, consisting of 2300 adolescents coming broken homes. The data also included
clinical interviews and diagnosis of adolescents. The follow up was conducted for 15 years
which strengthened the difference between offspring coming from normal homes and the one
from broken homes (Kalmijn, 2015).
Bias: there was no bias noticed, the source is a trusted one and the research was also
published by the national institute of health US.
Useful information: depression is not the only mental health issue that is associated with
parental separation. It may also be related to bipolar disorder, anxiety and somatoform disorder
which intensifies as the offspring grows. 60% of the offspring whose parents had been
separated showed the prevalence or development criteria for anxiety disorder (Schaan et al.
2016). Whereas, only 14.3% offspring whose parents are still together showed the development
of mental health disorders. This shows a clear association between mental disorders and
belonging from a broken home.
Further scope of research: the association between mental health disorders as an impact of
parental separation was established by this research. The impact includes disorders like
depression, social anxiety and somatoform disorder. This led on to the next step of research
into the factors causing these consequences.
Source: Website
Reference: Department of Justice, (2015)The Effects of Divorce on Children: A Selected
Literature Review, https://justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/fl-lf/divorce/wd98_2-dt98_2/p3.html
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Purpose: Listing the factors or characteristics that have an effect on the post-divorce
adjustments of adolescents.
Summary: there are certain characteristics that make an adolescent more prone to being
negatively impacted. These include gender, age, family characteristics, socio-economic status,
custodial household dynamic, race, child rearing skills etc.
Relevance: the factors are of greater importance in this research project and hence it has been
included. The characteristics have been divided between the family and that of the child. The
combination of the two creates a variety of impact on the offspring (Chun et al. 2016).
Bias: the published website is more focused on justice and custodial benefits of the child. As a
result, it considers the factors that allow a judge to choose the household which could provide
better sustenance and growth opportunities to the kid. This does not consider the factors that
are likely to have an impact on the mental health of the adolescent.
Useful information: the study asserted that after the fifth year of divorce, boys are more likely to
show detrimental effects than a girl child. Parent separation impacts younger kids more than the
older ones; however, they are also more enabled to come to acceptance and not show any
long-term impacts. Whereas, offspring who are ten or older showcase long term mental health
Further scope of research: this study narrows down the research question to include the
differences impact the factors can have depending on the characteristics of the offspring at the
time of their parent’s divorce (Perrig-Chiello et al. 2015).
Source: Blogpost
Reference: Good Therapy, (2016), ‘Life-Transforming’: Divorce Implications for Adolescents,
Retrieved from https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/life-transforming-divorce-implications-for-
Purpose: presents an impactful picture of the consequences of parental discord and separation
during adolescence, when they are already burdened with mental and physical development
(Sands et al. 2017).
Summary: the pain, trauma and turbulence have an impact on the adolescents which acts as a
barrier between them and emotional wellbeing.
Relevance: This study considers the change in the family dynamic and the addition of significant
others in the family. This makes it even more difficult as the offspring have to come to an
acceptance and also make space for an additional partner (Leopold, 2016).
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