
What is Crime? Current Approach of Government to Drugs Problem


Added on  2023-04-22

16 Pages3938 Words490 Views
Running head: QUESTIONS 1
What is Crime? Current Approach of Government to Drugs Problem_1

Part 1: What is crime?
In normal words, the meaning of crime is the action punishable by law, normally
considered an immoral action. The crime is a misbehavior prohibited by laws, rules and
regulations. The crime refers to the offence, which virtues conviction and sentence, generally by
the manner of sentence or penalty. A crime is distinct from the tort (civil wrong), that is the act
in against of person which needs reimbursement or compensations. In the following parts,
meaning of crime and types of crime is discussed and critically examined (Dostoevsky, 2017).
A crime is action, which has been eternal and has conducted since the beginning of
period. The crime involves killing, making deal of drugs, illegal possession, theft in banks and
drinking at the time of driving. The criminal offence is generally prosecuted by states and the
Commonwealth, where this is normally up to a person to make the civil actions to the courts. It is
also possible for a person to start the criminal proceedings, however it is very unusual. There are
certain matters like physical attack, which may be civil wrong and crime at a time. The police
officer may act for physical attack and the sufferer may take civil actions to take the
compensation for the injuries. This is very difficult to define the crime. It is not so easy to decide
whether a particular thing is crime(Akers, 2016).
An individual who gets money without consent makes the criminal offences, where the
individual who does not pay back money makes the civil wrong. It is not a crime. Even though
the civil action may be commenced to recover money, the borrower may only be accused for the
What is Crime? Current Approach of Government to Drugs Problem_2

criminal offence in case where wrongdoing is included. Whether or not the police officer makes
the decisions to charge the criminals with the criminal offences are completely the decisions. The
sufferer of crime may not compel the police officer to prosecute a criminal however, this is
feasible, though not ordinary, to create the personal trial. This is suggested that one should take
legal advice in the case where a person is in view of this. There are various law resources to
develop the way of crime. There are some Commonwealth Acts, like the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth)
and the Customs Act 1901 (Cth), in which crimes are existed. However, there are certain crimes
that are existed only at common law. Most of the criminal offences are legalized however;
certain criminal offences of common law still exist in jurisdiction like South Australia. In south
Australia, most criminal offences are found in the Summary Offences Act 1953 and the Criminal
Law Consolidation Act 1935, with the Controlled Substances Act 1984 and others (Eck &
Weisburd, 2015).
Classification of crime
The crimes are generally categorized in accordance with the significance as
misdemeanors or felonies. In general, the felonies are severe in comparison of the misdemeanors.
As per the central criminal law, the felonies are considered as the crimes in respect of which
sentence is demise or the imprisonment for not less than one year (Downes, Rock &
McLaughlin, 2016). On the other hand, the misdemeanors are liable to be punished by
sentencing for not more than one year or monetary penalty. Mostly, an individual guilty of the
felonies are kept in prison of states. On the other hand, convicted of the misdemeanors are sent to
correction homes or jail of nations or cities.
What is Crime? Current Approach of Government to Drugs Problem_3

The crimes in against of person involve the physical attack, kidnap, killing, and sexual
harassment. There are very serious punishments of the crimes in against of the person. Further,
the crimes in against of property involve fire-raising, robbery of car or any vehicle, theft,
housebreak, misappropriation, falsification, deception and destruction. In comparison of the
crimes in against of the person, the crimes in against of the property bear light fines or the
punishments. In the addition of this, theft is crime that is not so easy to describe and put into the
specific category. The robbery is normally the stealing properties from others (Christie, 2016).
Moreover, the hate crime is crime in against of the properties or in against of the person,
which is conducted when appealing to prejudices of the identification of the gender. The crime
against ethics is the victimless crime. The main reason is that there are no victims or
complainants. The crimes against ethics involve the prohibited drugs, prohibited gamble and the
prostitution. Besides, the white-collar crimes normally make less apprehension in mind of the
public than other criminal offences, though in respect of the total dollars, the white-collar crimes
are very significant for the societies. The structured groups commit the organized crimes. The
white-collar crime is normally less examined and less checked, the reason is that these crimes are
secured by the mixture of rights of status and gender. The organized crimes made by these
groups include the allocation, trading of the service and products. In criminal justice system, the
procedure of prosecution is also extensively related to pattern of race, gender dissimilarity and
status (Vera & Fabian, 2016).
As per the above analysis, it can be concluded that the murder, robbery and sexual
harassment are prohibited in the world everywhere. They are criminal offences. These crimes
What is Crime? Current Approach of Government to Drugs Problem_4

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