
Problems Faced by Older People with Dementia


Added on  2023-01-10

32 Pages13248 Words70 Views
Research project
Problems Faced by Older People with Dementia_1

FROM DEMENTIA IN THE STAGE OF AGING........................................................................3
1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................3
1.2 Aim and Objectives..........................................................................................................4
1.3 Rationale of Research.......................................................................................................4
1.4 Problem Statement............................................................................................................5
1.5 Significance of Research..................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................6
Impact of dementia on personal life of older people............................................................10
Reasons because of which dementia occur among old age people......................................12
Ways in which dementia within older age people can be reduced.......................................14
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................15
Methods of Analysis and collection of Data........................................................................17
EXCLUSION AND INCLUSION TECHNIQUE...............................................................18
Research Ethics....................................................................................................................19
Books and journals...............................................................................................................29
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1.1 Introduction
Old age is commonly seen as the age which reaches near the life expectancy of individual
or the end of life phase of the human life cycle. Older people are often called as the senior
citizens in the society. It has been acknowledged that with the passing period of time when
individual moves forward towards the older age number of health issues among them starts
increasing (Robinson and et. al., 2019). These health issues might rise due to the past lifestyle of
the person or it might occur due to the current situation or the surrounding of the same person in
negative manner. Health problems’ increasing among the older people during the stage of ageing
not only affects the particular life of the person but at the same time it also affects the lifestyle of
the family members too. Dementia is mainly acknowledged as one of the common problems that
is being mostly identified in the older people. Occurrence of this disease among older people
directly affects their regular based lifestyle at same time (Green, Camilli and Elmore, 2012).
Dementia is mainly related to the disorder related to the mental process that is caused by injury.
This mainly results in the memory disorder, personality changes and impaired reason. With
reference to the older people, it can be said that the respective health issue is commonly seen in
older people that makes their end life time worst if not cared properly. The present investigation
is conducted on the health issues which are being faced by the older people in the stage of
ageing. In this main focus is provided on the dementia that is considered as the most occurring
health problem among old age people. This investigation has been conducted to develop detailed
knowledge on dementia and its impact of on personal life of older people. Furthermore, the study
will gather information on the several reasons due to which dementia occur among old age
people and find several ways that supports older age people in reducing impact of dementia on
them (Gioia, Corley and Hamilton, 2013). In order to develop detailed information on the same
and find out proposed measures that result in reducing the influence of dementia over old age
patients. In this regard, respective aim, objective and questions are developed which would
provide appropriate guidance to whole research team that would contribute in obtaining solutions
towards the core research problems.
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1.2 Aim and Objectives
Research aim
The main aim of this research proposal is “To analyse the problems which are faced by
older people suffering from dementia in the stage of aging.”
Research Objectives
The developed research objectives for the current investigation are specified as below:
To analyse types of health problems faced by old age people.
To evaluate impact of dementia on personal life of older people.
To analyse reasons because of which dementia occur among old age people.
To recommend ways in which dementia within older age people can be reduced.
Research Questions
The formulated research questions for the present research are mentioned as below:
What are the types of health problems faced by old age people?
What is the impact of dementia on personal life of older people?
What are the main reasons because of which dementia occur among old age people?
What are the ways in which dementia within older age people can be reduced?
1.3 Rationale of Research
The main motive of conducting this investigation is to develop understanding on the
several problems that are being faced by the old age people which is affecting their own life as
well as their family members. The respective investigate would contribute in exploring several
issues as well as problems which are being faced by older people due to dementia in the stage of
ageing (Rosa and et. al., 2018). It also contributes in finding out proposed measures towards the
same by which health care older people can rid off from the same health issue and live their life
effectively without facing much problem associated with the same. The study would also support
investigator in developing their core knowledge on the medical issues that is being faced by the
old people as well as the common issues which is being faced by them due to the core health
problem that affects the effective management of the daily based lifestyles (Kupeli and et. al.,
Problems Faced by Older People with Dementia_5

2018). Apart from this, while looking at the core motive of investigator to conduct the
investigation is to develop several skills, knowledge on the conduction process of the research
that would not only help them out in improvising their professional life. As well as it will
provide contribution in the conducting more effective research in the near future. Some of core
skills that would be developed by the investigation with this investigation are leadership,
communication, decision making, problem solving, presentation, research skill, time
management, team working and several others (Buffel, 2018).
1.4 Problem Statement
The present investigation is conducted for analysing several issues that is being faced by
old age people. It has been analysed that there are several issues such as chronic health
conditions, cognitive health, mental health, physical injury, malnutrition, sensory impairments,
Oral health, bladder control or constipation and so on that are faced by older people. Among
them all the main issue that is commonly determined among older people are dementia which is
placing major influence over the daily based lifestyle of the older people (Latimer, 2018). The
investigation would provide support in exploring these problems as well as the challenges that is
faced by person at older age.
1.5 Significance of Research
The core importance of this project is to emphasise on developing core understanding on
problems which are faced by older people suffering from dementia in the stage of aging. The
main focus of the project in on determining the core concept of dementia, it core reasons due to
which it occurs among old age people, impact of dementia on personal life of older people, main
reasons because of which dementia occur among old age people and ways by which dementia
within older age people can be reduced (Grenier, Lloyd and Phillipson, 2017). This project will
provide detailed knowledge to the learners regarding the dementia and its existence affects old
age people and their regular based activities at regular basis. In addition to this, effective
execution of the project would definitely provide support to the learner as well as readers in
develop knowledge on the same health disease and core influence over the older people or
patient. As a result, by having adequate knowledge on the same, the respective readers would be
able to take preventive measures so that none of the person belongs to their surrounding suffers
with the same. In addition to this, with reference to the healthcare practitioners, the present
investigation is highly important for them as it will provide them knowledge regarding the
Problems Faced by Older People with Dementia_6

influence of the dementia on older people thus they are easily able to provide them effective
treatment and also help the out them getting recover in quicker manner.
In addition to this, the respective study covers each and every area of the dementia
including its symptoms, early signs, risk factors, consequences, and potential ways of
overcoming it effectively and reducing its influence. The overall focus on this project is provided
on the old age people (Shishehgar, Kerr and Blake, 2018). With this study, care homes can also
modify their existing services according to the requiring of the older people in their health
condition. This development in the care home would also make the people especially individual
on who has dementia patient at home easier as they can easily send their parents or the elder old
age people at these places. Also, these care homes are highly established and also have all the
basic facilities as well as the treatment that is required by the patient with dementia. By
considering all of the stated and associated areas, the current investigation has been conducted so
that maximum information towards the same can be gathered effectively (Lui and Nguyen,
2018). Also, the study would also contribute in improvising current conditions of the elder
people who are suffering with Dementia and its proposed ways through which its impact over the
old age people can be reduced.
Dementia is basically acknowledged as the collective term that is used to describe several
symptoms of cognitive decline. The main and popularly known symptom is forgetfulness. The
reason behind this disease is the brain disorders and underlying diseases. In addition to this, it
can be said that there are few more common symptoms of these disease such as impairment in
communication, memory and thinking (Johansson and et. al., 2017). Likelihood of having
dementia is mostly seen among the old age people but it often seen among the other ages too. It
has been estimated that around 47.5 million people are suffering from dementia across the world.
Also, the new case of dementia is also identified in every 4 second.
The common symptoms of dementia are specified as below:
Recent memory loss: In this, people often the same questions to others repeatedly. This
can be seen as the initial symptom of dementia which is often noticed among the people.
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Problems in communicating: In this, the person specifically faces problem associated
with the languages, also forgets simple words etc. In many cases it has been analyzed that these
people might also uses wrong words.
Disorientation: This simply means that the people get lost on the previously familiar streets
where they have visited a lot of times (Yusif, Soar and Hafeez-Baig, 2016).
Mood changes: They are seen as the mood changes that is sudden as well as unexplained
changes over the disposition or outlook.
Misplacing things: This is often acknowledged as forgetting the places of keeping
regular using the keys as well as wallets. Also, the person might forget to keep the cash at the
right place.
Dementia stages
There are several stages of the dementia which defines the seriousness of the disease
from which the person is going through. The main four stages of dementia are specified as
Mild cognitive impairment: This is the first and foremost stage where the characteristic of
dementia are considered as the basic forgetfulness. This might place among the old age people
but it is the part of the dementia only.
Mild dementia: Here people suffering from dementia often faces problems related to the
cognitive impairment which often influences daily based life of the person. Some of the common
symptoms that have been identified at this stage are memory loss, confusion, personality
changes, getting lost, and difficulty in planning and carrying out tasks (Aldridge, Fisher and
Laidlaw, 2019).
Moderate dementia: At this stage, people often faces problem related to their basic life routine
as they requires more and more help. Here, the numbers of symptoms are quite excessive as
compared to mild dementia. Generally, it has been analysed dementia patient also faces problems
related to combing their own hair and even getting dressed at their own level. Along with this, it
also creates problems related to personality changes such as agitating without any reason and
becoming suspicious (Abdelhafiz and et. al., 2019). Apart from this, the most common problem
determined in this is related to the sleeping. It can be said that patient suffering from dementia
are not able to take appropriate sleep.
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