
Freedom of the Press and Privacy in the Modern Society


Added on  2020-10-05

36 Pages12708 Words125 Views
Data Science and Big DataPhilosophyStatistics and ProbabilityPolitical ScienceLaw
Where is the balance between freedom of the pressand privacy in the modern society?
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Table of ContentsRESEARCH TITLE ........................................................................................................................1CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................1Background of research..........................................................................................................1Aim.........................................................................................................................................2Objectives...............................................................................................................................2Questions................................................................................................................................3Rationale of research..............................................................................................................3Significance of research.........................................................................................................3Structure of Dissertation.........................................................................................................4CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................6Balance between freedom of the press and privacy in modern society..................................6Contradiction between freedom of the press and privacy......................................................8Governmental regulation and privacy laws to prevent leak of confidential or personalinformation...........................................................................................................................11Measures to balance between privacy and freedom of press in modern era........................12CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................13Research philosophy.............................................................................................................13Research approach................................................................................................................13Sampling...............................................................................................................................14Data collection......................................................................................................................15Data Analysis........................................................................................................................16Ethical consideration............................................................................................................17Reliability and viability........................................................................................................18CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS................................................................................................19CHAPTER 5: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION...........................................................................23CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................26REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................29
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RESEARCH TITLE Where is the balance between freedom of the press and privacy in the modern society?CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONBackground of researchFreedom of press is related to media and privacy which implied principle ofcommunication and expression to people when sharing information on electronic and printedmedia. It enables right to people for circulating information or individual opinions via electronicmedia and publication material (Bjørnskov, 2018). Freedom of expression is protected bylegislation first amendment of constitution of United states. It is emerged to protect distributionof opinion ideas and information of people. Balancing freedom of press and privacy in modernsociety has thin line difference and therefore is considered as delicate approach to be managed.According to Russian constitution freedom of press and speech are foremost concern of societyand are protected by various legal amendments. Apparently, convention of Human rights byEuropean union is also focused on protecting individual rights with the helps of Human rightsregulation. The focus of European government is to protect human rights against any wrongdoing and therefore there are millions of cases recorded for breaching of privacy which occurreddue to freedom of press and expression. Social media has grabbed every area of globe and created a revolution among people. It isthe advancement which can move mountains. However, modern society use of social networkingsite as tool of expression own ideas and opinion. Th expression of own speech and belief is notrestricted but is important for the people to ensure individual privacy concern where informationany idea can not be mislead (Roos, 2005). It is important for the people to respect privacy of theinformation shred in public because it is expression on idea to influence people or with themotive of promoting developing in society. The freedom of press and expression is argued inmany judgments and there are various cases of judgment which will be studies in furtherresearchIn today’s digitization world media is playing an essential role in social life of people. Ithas been analyzed in recent time media is playing an important role in providing news andinformation about what is happening in society. It has also reached a point where they areinvolved in entering in personal life of society. This has interrupted the privacy of people. Thus,it has broken the line of balancing between social privacy and media. This has resulted in1
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conflicts (Abel, 2018). Therefore, it is important to maintain balance so that privacy is notinterrupted. Also, freedom of media does not allow them to misuse privacy rights. There shouldbe retention of information so that balance can be maintained. There are certain laws which canbe defined as follows:-Freedom of expression – It refers freedom to express views, thoughts, etc. Publicly viasocial media without any interference. Media can share data and information to such an extentthat it does interrupt privacy of person. Right to privacy- Under article 8 of Human rights everyone has right to respect for theirprivate and family life. It is important for the society to keep a balance between freedom of press and privacybecause it is individual right to express own idea and beliefs via electronic media. In accordancewith the dilemma of freedom of press there is an amendment enforced by United states ofconstitution where focus of parliament was to prevent interference of government in distributionof opinion and information (Westin, 2013). In accordance with changes every person has libertyto express there views and opinion in public regardless of fear and interference. The study isconducted to determined balance between freedom of press and privacy where it is the right ofpeople to obtain information from varied sources. Accumulating types of information is the basicfacts that promotes critical views and advancement in society (How do we balance privacy withfreedom?, 2002). Availability of wide range of sources and information to people enablesdeveloping of effective decisions, framing of unique opinion and communication of views whichcan assist government in setting improvement for society as whole (Kagiaros, 2015). However,there are a million of people who accuse the freedom of press but the dilemma of situation doesnot prove that it needs to be restricted. Aim“To assess the right ways of balancing freedom of the press and privacy in the modernsociety”.ObjectivesTo develop understanding over balance between freedom of the press and privacy inmodern society.2
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To ascertain contradiction between freedom of the press and privacyTo assess governmental regulation and privacy laws to prevent leak of confidential orpersonal information. To suggest measures by which there can be balance between privacy and freedom ofpress in modern era.QuestionsDiscuss understanding over balance between freedom of the press and privacy in modernsociety?Explain contradiction between freedom of the press and privacy?What are governmental regulation and privacy laws which prevents leak of confidentialor personal information?What recommendation can be made to set balance between privacy and freedom of pressin modern era?Rationale of researchThe motive of conducting this study is to gain insights over the fact of freedom ofexpression which lack privacy in information. Further, the study is for academic interest wherethe scholar will be able to gather factual information regarding legal restriction, term privacy,freedom of expression, social changes, role of media, change in legislation and influence of allterms in modern society (Altman, 2017). In addition, the study is for personal interest injournalism of freedom of expression which legal eligibility to obtain privacy. Thus, the studywill help researcher in outlining relationship and contradiction between freedom of expressionand privacy which has become the biggest problem of modern era. Significance of researchThe study is significant because it is based on privacy laws which are effective and arenecessary part of freedom of expression. It will help in determining ways to prevent speech andexpression on electronic media (Bolton, 2017). Further, it will help in deriving ways to balancetwo contradictory concepts of same page. Apparently, it is important because it is based onexploring of different regions that is United Kingdom and America. Structure of DissertationChapter 1 Introduction: It is an introductory chapter in which researcher formulates aim andobjective of study which are based on research topic. In this study the focus of aim is to derive3
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ways which can helps in maintaining balance between freedom of press that is expression andmedia. Further, the chapter enables brief background of study which assist in gathering insightabout keywords and research objectives which can helps in making critical discussion of entirestudy. Chapter 2: Literature review: It is the summary and accumulation secondary facts and findingswhich are collected by author to understand the insights of research aim and objectives. It iswritten with the help of thematic analysis which helps in outlining very aspect of research. TheLiterature review of dissertation will be based on four themes that is contradiction betweenfreedom of the press and privacy, governmental regulation and privacy laws, balance betweenfreedom of press and privacy in modern society and recommendation for managing changesaccording to factual summary. Chapter 3: Research methodology: It is discussion of different research methodological toolswhich are part of methodology and which are used by scholar for the present study. The first fourresearch tools are research design, types, approach and philosophy which offers sequentialprocess of conducting systematic study. Further, there is determination of sampling methodwhere the scholar aim at deriving tool which can assist in choosing unbiased sample of theresearch., In addition, it comprises data collection technique that is primary and secondary. Thus,the chapter helps in understanding ethical adherence of scholar for maintain confidentiality ofaccumulated and analyzed information. Chapter 4: Data Analysis: Analysis of collected information help the scholar in determiningoutcomes and results from primary collected information. It is the interpretation part which isbased on views of participants and helps in analyzing pros and cons of the study. In this partscholar make use of thematic analysis which is based on research objectives or questionnaireframed by researcher. It is the best way of segregating and discussing collected information toderive valid outcome of the study. Chapter 5: Findings and discussion: This chapter of study helps in outlining results to derivefindings of research aim. It is based on critical analysis of primary and secondary collectedinformation. It promotes contradiction and comparison of view of different people. This is thefinal chapter which aid the scholar in outlining findings which can be used for academic purposeand future similar studies. 4
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Chapter 6: Conclusion and recommendation: It is the summary of entire research andchapters which are included by scholar. This helps in understanding key aspects of study withreference to chapters. This chapter of study is final but most important because it comprisesrecommendation on the basis of entire study that is discussion and findings. 5
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