
Assignment on The Shrine of Remembrance


Added on  2022-08-18

4 Pages965 Words13 Views
With reference to the shrine of Remembrance, what is the purpose of
commemorating war and conflict involving Australians and how completely
and effectively does the Shrine achieve this?
The reason behind the creation of the Shrine of Remembrance was to meet the
requirements of a grieving community (Sumartojo 2018). This was created just after the
extensive deaths during the period of the First World War. The duration of first World War was
(1914 –18), and just the next year it was observed that, nearly . 114,000 Victorians served during
the First World, 89,000 of them were Australians by birth, who served during the War, from
staying abroad. Along with the death of 89,000 Australians living abroad, 19,000 Victorian
natives died directly in the battle field (Moriarty 2014). But their burial was distant from their
homeland. At that time period, Australians rarely travelled abroad. Hence, the Shrine made
provision for a place where Victorians could be grieved as individuals. Consumes less time-
Aviation industries attempting promotion through mobile applications will have to spend less
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security- Sometimes aviation companies may face hacking as well as spam, which may hamper
Assignment on The Shrine of Remembrance_1

mobile marketing. Reliability issues may occur- Sometimes aviation companies may face
reliability issues like fake news about company which may add to the negative publicity of the
company (Martin, 2014). 2015-2016 statistics published by Australian Institute of Health and
Welfare 225,487 children in the country of Australia, are the victims of child abuse, domestic
violence and neglect. In this context, Child Family Communities of Australia has issued 355,925
notifications. This issue may weaken the foundation of the country. According to the report
published by New South Wales Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP) Australia has
to bear economic costs of abuse and violence against children. This may result into lifetime
negative impacts on the labor force of the country as well as the overall The whole world fits into
a 6 inches screen, due to the advent of smart phones and innumerable mobile applications to
Make the lives of millennials easier. Moreover the mobile device provides uninterrupted
connectivity, this has specially facilitated marketing communications through mobile devices.
Marketing through mobile devices, provide facilities like low cost customization, inexpensive
promotion, easily tackling of the websites and YouTube channels for promotion and so on
(Martin, 2014). As per the significance of the Shrine it can be stated that, it conveys the later
generations about the significance of the contribution of their great grand fathers, how, their
courageous stories, glories of their martyrdom and so on (Hamann and Gollings 2015). These
also acquaint the younger generation about Australian culture during the [period of first world
war. Many of the younger generation who are not aware of several facts about Australia as well
as Victorians participated in the War and dedicated themselves for the establishment of equal
rights, freedom all over the world, come to know about the reasons and significance of the War,
the dedication of their great-grandparents. They are able to folk together and felt the unity that
existed among Australians that. Along with this they also became aware of the tradition as well
Assignment on The Shrine of Remembrance_2

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