
Improving Customer Service Management at Woolworths


Added on  2023-06-08

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MGT726 Managerial Project
Task 1 Project Proposal/Background
[NB: This template should be edited to remove guiding instructions before you submit for grading.]
Name: Student Number:
Title of your Project (in about 8 words):
This proposal could be based on your Task 2 Proposal from BUS703 Managing Research (if so, you
should reflect on the feedback from that task and then complete this template taking that feedback
into account) OR you may identify a new management problem.
1. Brief Context/Scope (background re your company/industry/sector and factors leading up
to the management problem) (approximately 100 words)
Background: The company is Woolworths and it is one of the Australian grocery store which has
been owned by Woolworths Limited. The company was founded in the year 1924 and the company
is located in 995 places and the number of employees of Woolworths is 11100. The revenue which
has been earned by the company till the year 2017 is 3,655.93 crores AUD (2017).
Factors leading up to the Management Problem/Decision:
The customer service is of low quality as the training which is being provided to the
customers is not up to the mark as there is no usage of social media channels
There is non-availability of the agents at Woolworths and this is affecting the customers
experience as they are not being able to contact regarding any kind of support
2. The specific problem or issue to be investigated (what are you seeking to find out, what do
you not know, what management decisions will be made and why is it important – why
does it matter?) (approximately 100 words)
Management Problem/Decision to be made:
Woolworths needs to improve the customer service process in the organization by
introducing the different social media channels wherein the customers can drop their queries and
this can be solved within a stipulated time. The team work is required to be adopted by the
Woolworths wherein the achieving the different tasks will become more efficient in nature.
Woolworths need to value the good customer service team and this will improve the overall
performance as well.
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Improving Customer Service Management at Woolworths_1

Why does it matter?
It matters in the organization as the customer service is the most efficient service which is
required to be adopted by any organization as to improve their sales and productivity percentage.
The customer service is key element which helps in attracting more customers in the organization
and this will improve their brand image as well.
3. Your proposed Research Question (RQ) - stated in question format (e.g. How and why?
Should and how? etc.) and associated research objectives (RO) i.e. the specific information
needed to answer the RQ - stated in objective format (e.g. To explore, to investigate, to
identify, to develop etc.) (approx. 50 to 100 words)
Research Question: What are the key performance metrics to measure the efficiency of
customer service management?
Research Objectives:
RO1: To analyse the current position of the organization in relation to customer service
RO2: To understand the needs along with preferences of the customers regarding customer
RO3: To understand and identify the future prospects which can help the company to
improve their position
RO4: To analyse the key performance metrics which has to be adopted by Woolworths to
gain competitive advantage
4. What specific subject area of business management are you investigating (ie what is your
parent discipline e.g. marketing, HRM, international business etc.) and what is your key
theoretical framework (domains, theoretical models, theories) (about 10 words)
Subject area (parent discipline): Marketing Discipline
Key theoretical frameworks: Consumer Decision Making Process and Customer Service
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Improving Customer Service Management at Woolworths_2

5. List 3 specific academic journals you will search for background/literature
(the three academic journal which u are going to put should be used in the further
progress report) all with the Harvard style reference.
1.Shodh.inflibnet.ac.in. 2018. [online] Available at:
http://shodh.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/52/4/04_chapter%202.pdf [Accessed 29 Jul.
2. Dudovskiy, J. 2018. A Brief Literature Review: Customer Relationship Management. [online]
Research-Methodology. Available at: https://research-methodology.net/a-brief-literature-review-
customer-relationship-management/ [Accessed 29 Jul. 2018].
3. Hassan, R.S., Nawaz, A., Lashari, M.N. and Zafar, F., 2015. Effect of customer relationship
management on customer satisfaction. Procedia economics and finance, 23, pp.563-567.
6. List 3 company/industry/government sources you will investigate for secondary data.
(the 3 company/industry/government sources which u are going to put should be used in
the further progress report) all with the Harvard style reference
1. Woolworths.com.au. 2018. [online] Available at: https://www.woolworths.com.au/ [Accessed 29
Jul. 2018].
2. Business.gov.au. (2018). Retail & wholesale trade industry fact sheet. [online] Available at:
retail-and-wholesale-trade-industry-fact-sheets [Accessed 29 Jul. 2018].
3. Pc.gov.au. (2018). [online] Available at: https://www.pc.gov.au/inquiries/completed/retail-
industry/report/retail-industry.pdf [Accessed 29 Jul. 2018].
7. Outline your method/approach to gathering and analysing data to address your research
objectives. Prepare a table matching research objective to methods (secondary and/or
primary data collection required to address each objective). State how you will analyse the
data collected (approx. 150 words)
Research Objective Data Collection
(secondary and/or primary)
Data Analysis Plan
R01: To analyse the
current position of the
organization in relation to
customer service
Secondary Source such as journal
Analysing 10 journal articles
over a span of two weeks
MGT726 Managerial Project — Task 1 — Research Proposal 3
Improving Customer Service Management at Woolworths_3

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