
Partnership Working in Health and Social Care (pdf)


Added on  2021-01-01

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Work in partnership inhealth and social care
Partnership Working in Health and Social Care (pdf)_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO 1.................................................................................................................................................11.1 Identifying features of effective partnership working...........................................................11.2 Explaining importance of partnership working with following............................................21.3 Analysing of partnership working delivers better outcomes.................................................21.4. Overcome barriers to partnership working..........................................................................2LO 2.................................................................................................................................................32.1 Own roles and responsibilities in working with colleagues..................................................32.2 Developing and agreeing common objectives when working with colleagues....................32.3 Evaluating own working relations with colleagues..............................................................42.4 Dealing constructively with any conflict that arises with colleagues...................................4LO 3.................................................................................................................................................43.1 Explaining own roles and responsibilities in working with other professionals...................43.2 Developing procedures for effective working relationships with other professionals..........53.3 Agreeing common objectives when working with other professionals within boundaries ofown role and responsibilities.......................................................................................................53.4 Procedures for working with other professionals..................................................................63.5 Dealing constructively with any conflict that may arise with other professionals...............6LO 4.................................................................................................................................................64.1 Importance of working in partnership with others................................................................64.2 Developing procedures for effective working relationships with others..............................74.3 Agreeing common objectives working with others with own role and responsibilities.......74.4 Procedures for working with others......................................................................................74.5 Dealing constructively with any conflict that may arise with others....................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Partnership Working in Health and Social Care (pdf)_2

INTRODUCTIONThe term partnership is defined as the collaborative relationship that is between two ormore parties (Adams and et.al., 2015). This relationship is based on trust, equality and also onmutual understanding in order to achieve specific goal. In the following report, NHS has beentaken into consideration. It is national health care system that is publicly funded for England.In the following report, effectiveness of partnership working has been discussed. Further,the outcomes and barriers related to working in partnership has been analysed. In addition to this,this report highlights on the working with colleagues, other professionals and others that includesfamily, friends, etc.LO 11.1 Identifying features of effective partnership workingPartnership working in health and social care has the ability of bringing togetherorganisations that are separate and are benefited from pooled expertise, resources and powersharing (Aveyard, 2014). The main aim of working in partnership is to enhance efficiency andquality of service provision. Thus, the main features in terms of effective partnership workingincludes the following-Trust- Trust is the main feature that helps in bringing people together. Trust is themost important thing that makes the person comfortable to work in a partnership.Communication- Communication also plays important role in effective partnershipworking. People that are involved in partnership work must feel free in sharing viewsand ideas related to work. Effective listening skills- The partners that are involved must have effective listeningskills. They must listen to the ideas and views of everyone and accordingly takedecisions. This will help in motivating all members that are involved to work withgreat enthusiasm.Thus, the main aim of all partners must achieve common goals within the specific period thathas been decided. They must always tell each other about the plans and consult everythingaltogether before taking any type of decisions regarding health and social care.
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1.2 Explaining importance of partnership working with following.Colleagues- To work with colleagues in partnership play very essential role. All of themthat are involved has to be consistent and needs to work in same and coordinated way. In order towork with colleagues, it becomes important as everyone share their personal ideas and viewsrelated to health and social care issues in meetings or discussions. Among all these ideas, the bestone can be chosen easily and can take into consideration to solve the issues in smooth and easyway.Other professionals- Other professionals includes workers from different agencies,advocates and those who are independent visitors., To work with other professionals of healthand social care the individual can receive great support and knowledge from the qualified person.The one who is independent helps in observing the situations in different way and also in findingalternative ways to solve the issues.Others- To work with others like friends, families or any other service users helpsindividual by sharing with them never ending source of information. With the help of this, theywill be provided with special care they actually required.1.3 Analysing of partnership working delivers better outcomes.Partnership working helps in delivering better outcomes and also delivers good service(Bryson, 2016). Good communication in terms of dealing with various agencies that may supportin putting the plans to support individuals to meet the objectives and also support them byfulfilling their needs in terms of health. For example- if the individual is diagnoses with diabetesand require to have the level of their blood checked daily, then they must take the advice fromthe nurse and that information must be later present in meeting so that anybody those who are intouch with that diabetic person has complete information regarding their health and may knowthe best way in order to support them. This will also help in gaining lots of knowledge that mayleads in building confidence among the workers.1.4. Overcome barriers to partnership working.There are many barriers that has been formed in lots of situations in different way. Thus,every barrier has one or different types of solutions to overcome that later helps in creating betteragencies that effectively create better lives (England, N.H.S., 2014). Thus, the ways ofovercoming barriers are as follows-
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