
Work with Diverse People - CHCDIV001


Added on  2023-06-18

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CHCDIV001 - Work with Diverse People - TASK ONE;
Assessment Instructions
This word document for Task One will allow you access questions whilst you are reviewing
modules/ resources.
Once this unit’s assessment has opened, please copy and paste answers/ mark correct answers into
Moodle assessment and then submit by Due Date.
It is advised that you keep a copy (word document ) of your assessment, at least until you have been
graded as Competent in this Topic.
As per the University guidelines, you will only have 2 attempts to obtain 100% competence in this
Identify your own social and cultural perspectives, and biases in relation to two (2) of the following:
*your health beliefs
*your social influences
*your spiritual or religious beliefs
*your views on family/kinship/relationships and responsibilities
(Answer to be Min 2 paragraphs- 3- 4 sentences each)
In context to the health beliefs my own social and cultural perspective is that mental and physical
health is influence by the different factors of community or society which can be effectively manage
by the social health care education and services. Health is the state of effective mental, physical and
social well-binge and this get affected or influenced by the social factors, like society behavior, social
economic status, community environment and support. So in context to the management of effective
health and public well-binge that is important for the health care workers to consider social factors,
community values and social education. Because this helps in the management of patient health
condition through positive social support and influence.
My believe in context to the family, relationship and responsibilities is that, in society and cultural
values there should be the improvement of in according to the developing world and new generation.
Family should move to new relationship values and standards in order to support their new
generation according to their needs. Such as the development of children's should not be done on the
basis of cast inequality and there should not be any age restricted barriers of family members in
context to their personal issues and problem solving. Family should get more open and comfortable
with each other in order to support each other and every stages of life. Responsibilities of each family
members is distributes on the basis of their abilities, but their should be addition of the collective
approaches and support in every ones roles and responsibilities.
Work with Diverse People - CHCDIV001_1

You are involved in a situation where 2 of your co-workers have a difference of opinion and it is
impacting on work practices. What strategies could you use to sensitively resolve their differences,
while ensuring you address their individual needs.
a) Identify 2 potential issues you may encounter due to the individual’s diversity, that may
impact on resolving their differences.
b) Discuss 3 strategies you could implement for each issue identified,.
c) (Min of 2 paragraphs/@ 4- 5 sentences)
First issue:
1) Language issues – In the situation of two employees from the different diversity in workplace one
of the most work performance impacting issue is language barrier. Due to the different languages
employees face the communication issues and not able to accomplish group task effectively, due to
the lack of understanding.
2)Cultural difference- Another most impacting diversity issue is, different cultural values of the 2
co-worker's, due to which they argue and faite on the basis of their cultural beliefs during the work
task and lead to the conflict. This also cause the issues of discrimination and inequality among those
two coworkers. Due to which their team work performance and task accomplishment get adversely
Second issue:
1) Discuss the cultural difference- In context to the management of language barriers and prevention
of cultural conflict, to achieve effective team work of those two co workers. That is important to
discuss different cultural language in order to make clear understanding and communication among
2) use simple language and remind employees to be respectful – In order resolve the language
barrier issues of the divers cultural coworkers, that is important to make the effective strategies and
standards of simple language application with in workplace.
3) Awareness and learning of the cultures- That is important strategy to discuss the cultural
difference of each other and give values to each cultural beliefs and morals. The strategy of making
divers cultural awareness among the coworkers will help to understand each other and respect each
other without any conflict and discrimination.
Identify how being culturally and socially aware benefits you in the workplace?
Select one:
Work with Diverse People - CHCDIV001_2

a. Cultural and social awareness is important and beneficial for both working with others and
when caring for patients, as it helps you to understand other people’s perspectives.
b. Cultural and social awareness in the workplace improves your understanding of others however
patient’s must follow their care plans.
c. Cultural and social awareness in the workplace benefits me by allowing me to get my own
way as things should be done according to my culture.
a. Cultural and social awareness is important and beneficial for both working with others and
when caring for patients, as it helps you to understand other people’s perspectives.
In the health care setting the skills and abilities of cultural and social awareness benefits me in the
effective caring and management of the patient health. Because with the proper knowledge of the
different culture I can understand the patients holistic needs. Such as needs of the social care, cultural
values and other personal needs related to their culture. I can provide effective holistic care to the
patine by understanding and meeting all their needs. Such as respect and patient choice standards of
nursing is can also be achieve with in the care practices.
Link the term to the description.
Cultural competence
Cultural safety-
Cultural awareness-
A) involves the ability to stand back and become aware of your cultural values, beliefs and
B) the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and socioeconomic
C) the ways in which people differ from each other
D) an environment that accepts all people and is free of discrimination
Cultural competence –The ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and
socioeconomic backgrounds
Diversity- The ways in which people differ from each other
Work with Diverse People - CHCDIV001_3

Cultural safety- An environment that accepts all people and is free of discrimination
Cultural awareness- Involves the ability to stand back and become aware of your cultural values,
beliefs and perceptions.
In Question 1, you highlighted your own social and cultural perspectives, and biases;
Reflecting on your answer:
1. Identify two areas that you feel your knowledge about diversity in people may be improved.
2. Describe two ways in which your culture impacts on people of a differing culture. Think about our
laws, religion, ceremonies, fashion, foods/shops, education and health systems etc.
(Min of 4 paragraphs /@ 2-3sentences)
Identify two areas
My knowledge about the diversity is improved in terms of different social and cultural health care beliefs and
different cultural values of the communities related to the family responsibilities and relationship. In have
developed the understanding of divers group of people that there are the range of peoples with different
cultural backgrounds, lifestyle, interest, racial, ethics and socioeconomic. I fund that overall each and every
diversity of the people want respect and equality in health care basis along with the satisfaction of their
cultural needs like food, socioeconomically management and balance.
Lifestyle of the peoples is normal, trendy, diet conscious or foodie. Backgrounds of the peoples is can be
lower, mid and higher class. I understand that this is important to value the people’s lifestyle, interest, ethics
and health care cost management according to their backgrounds. But another important thing is that
people’s facilities and services availability should not be provided on the basis of cultural and diversity
Describe two ways
I belong from the Philippines where the official language is based on the Tagalog and English is use
in colleges and universities. The people with darker skin consider as less capable, without rice their
food is not considering as the meal.
South Africa
In the south African get affected by Philippines culture in terms of different food culture and
traditions. In South Africa people prefer nonveg and Philippines food culture give more importance to
the rice, this can lead to the association or conflict of the culture deepening of the cultural values and
guidelines of the place in context to cultural respect.
Q 6
Work with Diverse People - CHCDIV001_4

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