
Workforce Transformation Strategies: A Case Study on Unilever


Added on  2023-06-18

24 Pages4944 Words492 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentHigher Education
Managing a successful
business project
Workforce Transformation Strategies: A Case Study on Unilever_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
TASK ..............................................................................................................................................3
Task 1 ..............................................................................................................................................3
Part A. Project Planning...................................................................................................................3
Project management plan.......................................................................................................4
Part B – Conducting research..........................................................................................................6
Small-scale research with the application of primary and secondary methods which is
appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives..............................................................6
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................16
Reflective practices..............................................................................................................16
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................18
Workforce Transformation Strategies: A Case Study on Unilever_2

The research aims to deliver the significance of Workforce transformation strategies in order to
resist with the challenges in employee transformation. Workforce transformation is a vital
practice for organisation which influence on engaging right talent at right position within the
organisation. It becomes crucial for the companies to have talented and skilful employees in
order to fulfil the aim of organisation to work in society. Small-medium enterprise works on
narrow level and require capable employees ho could be reason for companies expansion by
giving effective contribution of talent, capabilities and interpersonal skills (TETIK, 2017). This
research is going to carry out a business case on Unilever, they are carrying out their operations
in UK. Therefore, The company require the best people to serve work on their aims. Workforce
transformation strategies plays a vital role in identifying what employees want and expect form
the organisation that keeps them loyal and motivated towards working.
Task 1
Part A. Project Planning
Research topic: “To identify aspects of employees in the workplace in context to Workforce
transformation”. A case study on Unilever.
Research Aim:
To identify workforce transformation in the workplace”. A case study on Unilever.
Research Objective:
To understand the concept of Workforce transformation.
To examine the significance of Workforce transformation for workforce transformation.
To identify various challenges which could get resist workforce transformation strategies
of Workforce transformation.
To examine key strategies and ways of implementing Workforce transformation
strategies within organisation.
Literature review
Workforce Transformation Strategies: A Case Study on Unilever_3

According to viewpoint of (Abdullahi, Raman, and Solarin, 2020), Workforce
transformation is an integrated part of leading business sanitisation. It describes the need of
talented employees who could raise the present and future position of the company in terms of
profitability, brand integration and market capture. A skilful individual will be an effective
resources of an organisation that wants to survive in long run and serve society best products
and services. It is a process of identify employees transformation and behaviours, needs, wants
and expectation from the organisation which keeps them motivated and loyal in this competitive
market. There are many firms and large companies who provide many benefits, incentives and
support to employees that attract effective people. So that, there is much competition among the
organisations to find capable and cheap talent that covers companies cost, recruitment
overheads and employees turnover ratio that will be beneficial for maintaining brand reputation
(Kamoche, and Leigh,2021). Workforce transformation is significant for overcoming various
challenges which comes under Workforce transformation planning. These challenges could
reflect upon less motivating factors, ineffective trainings, lack of appreciation and reward
system in organisation or negative working environment.
These would lead to loose employees interest for the job role and may result in
separation. There are many strategies that are meant to support Workforce transformation
planning for companies. Providing good job role, high pays and remuneration with extra
incentives, employee welfare about health and family, good training and overall support at
workplace plays crucial role in managing talent within organisation. As these talented and skilful
employees are active and seeks better opportunity into market. Therefore, the best food logistics
needs to enhance their strategies and resit with the challenges for acquiring talent(Theys, and
Schultz, 2020).
Project management plan
Project management plan is an essential part of carrying out research or finding out some
concepts, ideas in both theoretical and practical manner. It implies all the essential stages of a
project that may create hurdles in delivering out a successful project. It works as a guidance for
the organisation about business practice and seeks for opportunity before it fades away.
Therefore, they performs operations across UK and it works on small level so that, there could
be many consequence may face during research (Swann, 2018). There are many components of
project management through which it gets complete under all the risk and cost control. There is
Workforce Transformation Strategies: A Case Study on Unilever_4

a specific time ascertained for working on projects so that, the organisation would not loose its
originality and get save for losses.
Time: Time is the most crucial component. The project must be deliver and complete
within a limited period to maintain its accuracy. Work should be complete on time to get the
desired results and perform activity. Therefore, this project takes 5 months to accomplish its aims
and objectives.
Cost: This component is the major and crucial for the project completion. A researcher
needs to maintain costs at least level so that, the objectives must be complete effectively. The
projects must be worked under the pre-determined budget and the strategies must frame in
according to that manner. This projects cost under $500.
Quality: Quality is the main crucial factor in project management,. The researchers needs
to focus on the quality of project it describes accuracy, reliability and applicability at various
level of project research. Therefore, the research focus on utmost quality of this project to
ascertain effective result of the research (Bigorra Puente, 2017). It gives fair and logical results
that is necessary of the outcome of project.
Scope: It describes the reach of project at what segments and how it will be useful at
external environment. The scope fro Workforce transformation in order to retain employees is
wide and as it is applicable across all the business firms who works for long term profitability
and competitiveness. Therefore, this research currently works on UK market which shows there
are much competitiveness due to which employees have many job opportunities. The strategies
will be helpful for the Best Food Logistics as it will work as guidance to take what actions
which are in favour of company.
Communication: It is a necessary component as communication elements confusion an
and generating of clear ideas through sharing thought of one another, therefore, this researcher
will communicate to people, employees in order to conduct primary research. The effective
ways of communication are E mails, phones call and social media platforms to interact directly
with the population.
Risk: risks are the another integrated part of organisation. Every business project ascertain
some risk due to having dynamic environment and influence of various external parties. This
project contains risks of project failure, cost and lack of conceptual clarity. These risk would be
Workforce Transformation Strategies: A Case Study on Unilever_5

minimised by concentrating on research aims and objectives and work on implement Workforce
transformation strategies.
Resources: every project require effective resources to complete its objectives. Human
resources and tools like laptop, mobile, books and other literature materials are necessary to
identify each and every facts of topic and then made a reliable conclusion. It is required to use
these resources with fuller optimisation and eliminate wastage.
Work break down structure is tool to break the work in to simpler sections. The major to
use this tool is to avoid over burden and confusion in various tasks and activities. It helps the
best food logistics to achieve their goals of managing talent into organisation. It simplified the
task according to the time on activity is require. This way, the work will complete and
effectiveness will be promote.
Gantt chart
Gantt chart is a kind of graphical and systematic presentation of task an activities
divided into simpler manner. It set the time duration of each task and activities and prepare
schedule for its working (Queirós, Faria, and Almeida, 2017). It helps in reduce burden and
unnecessary time taken which promote great efficiency, the best food logistics use this tool
though which the aim and objective of project gets success.
Part B – Conducting research
Small-scale research with the application of primary and secondary methods which is appropriate
for meeting project aims and objectives
In order to start the project, it is necessary for project manager to perform a research so
that they will find the solutions of their research problem. Currently day by day the business
environment gets very dynamic and that's why they needs to retain and recruit talented
employees as they are key elements of success and growth. For that purpose, they need to
perform a research in which they are finding the strategies in order to overcome with the
challenges of Workforce transformation (Meshram, and Pandey, 2018). Research has two types
which include qualitative and quantitative research. This report include both research for finding
the solutions of problems. The detail explantation of important other components of small scale
research are mentioned below:
Workforce Transformation Strategies: A Case Study on Unilever_6

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