
Workplace Culture Assignment


Added on  2020-12-24

18 Pages6284 Words399 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Workplace Culture and itsImpact on Organization
Workplace Culture Assignment_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Main Body.......................................................................................................................................3Critically assessing the workplace culture of an organization...............................................3Providing a critical evaluation of an organization environmental aspects in which organizationoperates...................................................................................................................................5Evaluating cultural and ethical behaviour in the context of Morrison’s..............................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16
Workplace Culture Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONIn the context of business unit, workplace culture is highly significant as it closelyinfluences growth and performance. Now, for achieving success in highly competitiveenvironment business unit needs to make focus on developing prominent culture which in turnenhances employee motivation. Thus, requirement in relation to building effectual culture hasincreased significantly over time frame (Gravina, Cummins and Austin, 2017). The present studyis based on Morrison’s which is one of the leading supermarket chains of UK. In this, report willshed light on the work place culture in Morrison’s. Further, it will provide deeper insight aboutenvironmental aspects which have significant effect on Morrison’s operations. It also depictsmanner in which cultural and ethical aspects have an impact on organizational performance. The workplace culture of an organisation have impact on both business and organisation.Culture at workplace provides a frame work for behavioural guidance of employees. This haveboth positive and negative effect of employees. Firms which considers its employees its integralpart put emphasis on building employee-employer relationship. Along with this employee areencouraged to take active participation in activities of organization and decision making process(Huber, 2017). Employees become more determined and committed for achievement of their aswell as organisational goal which have a significant effect of performance of organisation. Intoday's world and with increasing competition it is getting more complex to achieveorganisational goals and missions. One of the major factor influencing organisational efficiencyis workplace culture. There is a direct relationship between organisational culture andorganisation efficiency (Wheeler, 2015). Individual behaviour of employee have a relevant effecton organisation's efficiency, productivity and its performance. To guide individual behaviour isalso important for Morrisons as human resource are critical part of it. The values and morals oforganisations shall be clearly stated among employees so that they know the ethical values oforganisation and conduct their behaviours in that direction only. An ethical behaviour ofemployee have significant impact on workplace and will result in increasing efficiency andperformance of both employees and Morrison's. For determination of factor that influenceorganisation behaviour SWOT and PESTLE analysis will be carried out (Dorling, 2017). WithSWOT the strength and weaknesses of Morrison's will be determined and risk and factors andactivities which are a threat to Morrison’s will be identified, also, opportunities in market andinside organisation of Morrison's will be found out and proper strategies will be formed to1
Workplace Culture Assignment_3

exploit such opportunities. Pestle analysis will determine the external factor which will affectworkplace culture of Morrison's. Another factor which will be discussed in the present report isrelationship between employer and employees in Morrison's (Ghodse and Galea, 2017). Ananalysis of hierarchy and flow of information from top level to bottom level management will bedone (White, 2018). So Morrison's have a moral and ethical duty to take care of society and itsenvironment. To evaluate duty of Morrison's towards society a study of corporate socialresponsibility and sustainability will be carried out.Main BodyCritically assessing the workplace culture of an organization Culture of a workplace: the culture of Morrison’s is the personality and character of anorganisation. The culture at the workplace defines the organizational practices. (Holmes, andStubbe, 2015). The culture of Morrison’s makes the working environment unique and differentfrom other organization. The perceptiveness at workplace is the sum of values, beliefs,interactions, behaviours and attitude.Importance of workplace cultureCulture is an integral and important part of Morrison’s perceptiveness, the significance ofworkplace culture is defined below:Derives retention and engagement of employees: the work environment at Morrison’sstrengths its relation with the employees (Helmreich and Merritt, 2017). The more positive theenvironment more happy and satisfied the employee are, which results in retention of existingworkers. A positive culture at workplace attracts potential job seekers and talents and towardsMorrison’s and be a part of it.Attracts talent: a potential job applicant will analysis and evaluates the work culture ofMorrison’s. A positive, strong, clear and well communicated workplace appreciation attract apotential talent toward the organization.Ensures employee happiness: a positive and strong culture at the place of work makeemployees happy, which results in increment in their potential and efficiency. The employee'shappiness can be directly linked to a strong and positive work culture (Guiso, Sapienza and2
Workplace Culture Assignment_4

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