
Workplace health and safety legislation PDF


Added on  2021-12-29

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Workplace Health and Safety Legislation
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Workplace health and safety legislation PDF_1

Assessment 1
Question 1
Under the WHS legislation there are 5 situations when a person conducting a business or
undertaking (employer) must consult with workers. Name 3 of them
I. When recognizing hazards and evaluating risks (Australia, 2016).
II. When arriving at decisions on how to manage or eliminate risks.
III. When replacing or improving workplace facilities
Question 2
List 4 ways you can provide staff with workplace health and safety information.
I. Through committee minutes
II. Through the organisation's website
III. Information can be posted on notice boards at the workplace.
IV. Workers can also get essential information through email
Question 3
An emergency evacuation plan is one example of a WHS procedure which helps to keep
people safe. List 4 others relevant to your industry.
i. Emergency plan and first aid
ii. Risk management procedures
iii. Wellbeing and health plans at the workplace
iv. Guidelines on the use of personal protective equipment
Question 4
List 2 methods of monitoring that staff are following WHS procedures.
I. The reduction of accidents at the place of work indicates that employees are following
II. Employees who are always healthy are those following procedures
Question 5
List 5 types of document that would act as evidence of your company compliance with WHS
i. Laboratory Safety Guidelines
ii. Bio-safety Manual
iii. Asbestos Management Guidelines
iv. Laser Safety Guidelines
v. Risk Management Guidelines
Question 6
List 4 possible steps you could take if you observed a staff member not complying with your
company's WHS practices or a hazard control measure was not working correctly.
i. Stop the staff member from conducting the company's tasks.
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ii. Call the staff and other employees to explain and reinforce safety procedures.
iii. Observe how the staff member performs duties after the safety meeting before
allowing the employee to resume function.
iv. Conduct a follow-up after a week to ascertain whether the staff member and other
employees are following WHS procedures.
Question 7
List 5 WHS issues or potential hazards you need to monitor in your department/industry on a
daily basis.
i. Biological hazards like viruses, bacteria, and fungi
ii. Physical hazards like radiations, ultraviolet rays, extreme temperatures, and loud
iii. Ergonomic hazards like poor posture, vibrations, frequent lifting and awkward
iv. Chemical hazards like poisonous gases, acids, fumes, and flammable materials
v. Work organisation hazards like workplace demand, violence, and pace.
Question 8
List 3 matters you might discuss as part of making consultation arrangements.
i. The people who will be involved in the consultation
ii. The appropriate venue for the discussions
iii. The date and duration of the deliberations
Question 9
Name 3 methods you can use to provide staff members with the opportunity to contribute
their views on WHS issues.
i. Allow workers to send emails of their views on WHS issues (Enright, 2014)
ii. Call for meetings and allow workers to provide suggestions about safety issues.
iii. Encourage workers to ask for clarifications on any unclear issue of safety.
Question 10
If you cannot resolve a staff members WHS issue or control a hazard yourself, name 3 people
you might refer the matter to to find a resolution.
i. Health and Safety Representative
ii. Employer
iii. WHS Committee member
Question 11
A staff member has raised WHS issues in the workplace which now have been resolved. Why
is it important to communicate the result back the staff member who raised it?
Communicating the results back to the worker will clarify the unclear issues in the
WHS regulations. The results also guide the staff members on the correct application of the
safety rules. Communication between the employer and the employees also indicates
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responsible management. Additionally, the practice alert members as they avoid repeating an
undesirable safety issue in the future.
Question 12
Safe Work Australia’s Code of Practice “how to manage work health and safety risks” lists
the instances when risk management must occur and hazard controls must be used.
List 5 instance when this needs to occur in an organisation
i. Risk management must occur at all stages of asset or project lifestyle
ii. It is also necessary for every confined space before employees are authorised to
access the place
iii. Risk assessment is also fundamental for assessing the risks of first aid
iv. Hazards of fatigue must also be documented on the risk register
v. Manual tasks that are hazardous must be recorded for assessment
Question 13
List 4 different types of WHS training methods
i. Instructor-Led Training
ii. Interactive Techniques
iii. Hands-on Training
iv. Computer-Based Training
Question 14
Give 2 examples of when you must provide WHS training to your staff.
i. When a new standard operating procedure has been introduced in the company
ii. When the company has purchased new chemicals
Question 15
Give 4 examples of training you might organise with a specialist WHS training provider.
i. Laboratory safety training
ii. Workplace safety training
iii. Laser safety training
iv. Training on managing falls
Question 16
Give 3 reasons you should monitor the effectiveness of training programs?
i. To change the program if it is not effective
ii. To improve the training if it does not suit the needs of the trainees
iii. To receive the best training for the workers
Question 17
Where should safety data sheets (SDS) be kept?
SDS can be stored through paper copies or electronically
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