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Effectiveness of Workplace Transformation in Boohoo Group plc


Added on  2023/06/16

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This research proposal aims to identify the effectiveness of workplace transformation in increasing employees performance and productivity within Boohoo Group plc. It covers the need for workplace transformation, roles of flexible workspaces, and challenges faced by Boohoo Group plc. The research approach and methodologies include positivism philosophy, deductive approach, descriptive research design, quantitative research methodology, and probability sampling. The data analysis will use frequency distribution analysis. The proposal also includes a research ethics approval form.

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Research Proposal Form
Student Name: ______________________ Student ID: ______________________
Centre Name: _____________________
Tutor: ________________ Date: ___________________
Unit: ____________________
Proposed Title: To identify the effectiveness of workplace transformation in increasing employees performance and
productivity within Boohoo Group plc
Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities
Title or working title of the research project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis)
Research Aim:
To identify the effectiveness of workplace transformation in increasing employees performance and productivity within an organisation. A
study on Boohoo Group plc
What is the need of workplace transformation in the digital age within an organisation?
What are the roles of flexible workspaces for helping workers of Boohoo Group plc?
What are the challenges that could be faced by Boohoo Group plc in the absence of workplace transformation?

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To determine the need of workplace transformation in the digital age within an organisation
To identify the role of flexible workspaces for helping workers of Boohoo Group plc
To discern the challenges that could be faced by Boohoo Group plc in the absence of workplace transformation
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project
Reasons for choosing the project (e.g links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans, knowledge/skills
you want to improve, why the topic is important):
The main motive of conducting the current investigation is identifying the significance of workplace transformation in the current digital
age where every objective is accomplished through digital technology. The present report aims at determining the roles played by flexible
workspaces. I have also focused on attaining certain objectives by conducting present investigation from two significant perspectives that
are: personal and professional perspective. In respect of personal perspective, I have will learn about the skill and strategy needed for
adapting with changes. In relation to professional perspective, I will learn about the strategies related to workplace transformation. This
will help me in future where I have to make changes so that positive working environment could be established in the organisation. The
other main reason of selecting the topic of workplace transformation is of my interest because I like to involve in activities where I can learn
about managing things, tasks and activities.
Section Three: Literature sources searched
What is the need of workplace transformation in the digital age within an organisation?
According to Selimović, Pilav-Velić and Krndžija (2021), workplace transformation in an organisation is very significant because in this
organisation offers workforce an increasingly consumer like environment to access business data and applications. Companies operating
towards workplace transformation could provide a richer user experience, making workforce to better focus and engage on the activity at
hand. In the digital age it necessary for companies to transform their working culture because now people are dependent on advance
technologies and techniques. Basically, this assists in improving the employee's productivity and this ultimately accommodates in increasing
the level of revenue and profitability.
What are the roles of flexible workspaces for helping workers of Boohoo Group plc?
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According to Meske (2019), flexible workspaces refers to the workplace where employees are given opportunity to work according to their
convenience. Flexible workspaces play major role in helping workers of Boohoo Group plc because it comes with various creative desk
layouts. This provides positive working environment to employees this ultimately assists in increasing their productivity.
What are the challenges that could be faced by Boohoo Group plc in the absence of workplace transformation?
According to van de Ruit and Bosk (2021), there are many challenges that could be faced by Boohoo Group plc in the absence of workplace
transformation is unachieved targets of the company, demotivation among employees, chaos and confusion among employees etc. When
there will be no workplace transformation employees will get bored by their same working culture and this makes them discouraged in the
organisation and may leave the organisation. The another disadvantage is goals and targets remain unfulfilled when company does not
adopt new technology and techniques for conducting work.
Section Four: Activities and timescales
Activities to be carried out during the research project (e.g research, development and analysis of
ideas, writing, data collection, numerical analysis, tutor meetings, production of final outcome,
evaluation, writing the report):
How long this
will take:
11 weeks
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Milestone one: ___Literature Review _________
Target date (set by tutor): _____18-11-2021_______________
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Milestone two: ______Research Methodology _____________________
Target date (set by tutor): _____1-12-2021_________________
Section Five: Research approach and methodologies
What type of research approach and methodologies are you likely to use and why? What your areas of research will cover:
Research Philosophy: Philosophy is the procedure of assembling and measuring data in relation to the topic. The types are of the
philosophy are: interpretivism and positivism. Investigator will select positivism philosophy because it assists in the accumulation of
quantitative data in the shorter period of time. This particular philosophy will help researcher to save their cost as well as time ( Nayak and
Singh, 2021).
Research Approach: Research approach is the procedure to evaluate assembled data. Inductive and deductive approaches are known as
kinds of approach. Both the approaches are very great in the evaluation of assembled information. Investigator will use deductive approach
because it facilitates in evaluating numerical data related to workplace transformation in digital world. This approach is quite valuable in
the current investigation because it assists in attaining objectives in minimum time duration.
Research Design: Research design introduces the procedure of collection, analysis and usage of information related to the topic of
investigation. Exploratory, experimental and descriptive are the major kinds of design. Investigator will take assistance of descriptive
research design because it facilitates in accumulating, evaluating and considering statistical piece of information (Samijonovich and et. al.,
Research Methodology: Research methodology is the main method because it is categorised into two main types that are: quantitative and
qualitative. For executing the present research, investigator will take assistance of quantitative research methodology because it
accommodates in conducting every activity and step in numerical manner.
Sampling Method: Sampling is classified into two major parts that are: probability and non-probability sampling. Investigator will consider
probability sampling because it helps in following random sampling method. It helps in choosing maximum number of samples so that
relevant information could be gathered.
Sampling size: 30 managers from Boohoo Group plc will be chosen through random method in probability sampling. The main reason of
selecting these managers as respondents is they have appropriate knowledge about the topic (Allen, Rivkin, and Trimble, 2021).
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Data analysis: Frequency distribution analysis would be considered to evaluate quantitative piece of information. This is known as
analytical technique that assists in evaluating numeric information easily and within short time period (Barykin and et. al., 2021).
Comments and agreement from tutor
Comments (optional):
I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification and is appropriate.
Agreed: ________________ (name)_______________ Date ______________
Comments and agreement form project proposal checker( IV sampling)
Comments (Optional):
I confirm that the project is appropriate.
Agreed /Disagree: (Name of the IV) Date

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Allen, J., Rivkin, I.D. and Trimble, J.E., 2021. Relational methodology. Cultural methods in psychology: Describing and transforming cultures,
Barykin, S.Y. and et. al., 2021. A methodology of bringing perspective innovation products to market. Academy of Strategic Management
Journal, 20, pp.1-19.
Berson, S., Edmundo De Souza, E.S. and Muntz, R.R., 2021. A methodology for the specification and generation of markov models.
In Numerical Solution of Markov Chains (pp. 11-36). CRC Press.
Nayak, J.K. and Singh, P., 2021. Fundamentals of Research Methodology Problems and Prospects. SSDN Publishers & Distributors.
Samijonovich, T.S. and et. al., 2021. Improving Methodology Of Action Games In Training Athletes Of Different Ages. European Journal of
Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 8(1), pp.806-813.
Selimović, J., Pilav-Velić, A. and Krndžija, L., 2021. Digital workplace transformation in the financial service sector: Investigating the
relationship between employees' expectations and intentions. Technology in Society, 66, p.101640.
Meske, C., 2019. Digital workplace transformation–on the role of self-determination in the context of transforming work environments.
van de Ruit, C. and Bosk, C.L., 2021. Surgical patient safety officers in the United States: Negotiating contradictions between compliance and
workplace transformation. Work and Occupations, 48(1), pp.3-39.
Soled, J.A., 2021. Workplace Transformation and Its Tax Compliance Implications. Vill. L. Rev., 66, p.575.
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Research Ethics approval form
All students conducting research activity that involves human participants or the use of data collected form
human participants are required to gain ethical approval before commencing their research. Please answer all
relevant questions and note that your form may be returned if incomplete.
For further support and guidance please see your respective Unit Tutor:
Before completing this form, we advise that you discuss your proposed research fully with your unit tutor. Please
complete this form in good time before your research project is due to commence.
Section 1: Basic details:
Project title: To identify the effectiveness of workplace transformation in increasing employees performance and productivity within
an organisation. A study on Boohoo Group plc
Student name:
Student ID number:
College Name:
Intended research start date: 09-11-2021
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Intended research end date: 22-02-2022
Section 2 Project summary
Please select all research methods that you plan to use as a part of your project:
Interviews Yes No
Questionnaires Yes No
Observations Yes No
Use of personal records Yes No
Data Analysis Yes No
Action Research Yes No
Focus Groups Yes No
Others (Please specify) : Secondary research
Section 3: Participants
Please answer the following questions, giving full details where necessary.
Will your research involve human participants?
Who are the participants? Tick all that apply:
Ages 12-16: Young people aged: 17-18 Adults: 18>
How will participants be recruited (identified an approached)?
Email, Text
Describe the processes you will use to inform participants about what you are doing:
By the usage of questionnaire, all data about the investigation will be given to the participants
How will you obtain consent from participants? Will this be written? How will it be made clear to participants that they may withdraw

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consent to participate at any time?
By giving apt information to the participants, investigator could easily consent from the participants.
Studies involving questionnaires: will participants be given the option of omitting questions that do not wish to answer?
Yes No
If no please explain why below and ensure that you cover any ethical issues arising from this
Studies involving observation: Confirm whether participants will be asked for their informed consent to be observed.
Yes No
Will you debrief participants at the end of their participation (i.e give them a brief explanation of the study)?
Yes No
Will participants be given information about the findings of your study?(This could be a brief summary of your findings in general)
Yes No
Section 4: Data Storage and Security
Confirm that all personal data will be stored and processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act (1998)
Yes No
Who will have access to the data and personal information?
During the research: Researcher
Where will the data be stored?
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In mobile devices such as USB storage and laptops
Will mobile devices such as USB storage and laptops be used
Yes No
If Yes, please provide further details:
After the research: Researcher
Where will the data be stored?
In mobile devices such as USB storage and laptops
How long will the data and records be kept for and in what format?
May be 6 months
Will data be kept for use by other researchers? Yes No
Section 5: Ethical Issues
Are there any particular features of your proposed work, which may raise ethical concerns? If so, please outline how you will deal
with these:
It is important that you demonstrate your awareness of potential risks that may arise because of your research. Please
consider/address all issues that may apply. Ethical concerns may include, but are not limited to the following :
Informed consent.
Potentially vulnerable participants.
Sensitive topics
Risk to participants and /or researchers
Disclosures/ limits to confidentiality
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Data storage and security, both during and after the research (including transfer, sharing, encryption, protection).
Dissemination and use of your findings.
Section 6: Declaration
I have read, understood and will abide by the institution’s Research and Ethics Policy: Yes No
I have discussed the ethical issues relating to my research with my Unit Tutor:
Yes No
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge:
The above information is correct, and this is a full description of the ethical issues that may arise in the course of my
Name: Date:
Please submit your completed form to the Cohort Leader and a copy to your supervisor only
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