
Workplace Wellbeing: Importance, Stakeholders, Approaches and Recommendations


Added on  2023-05-28

10 Pages2779 Words378 Views
Leadership ManagementNutrition and WellnessPublic and Global HealthPsychology
Introduction and theoretical context of the topic
Workplace wellbeing refers to all the aspects related to working life of employees, from the
safety and quality of the workplace environment, to employee satisfaction and the climate at
workplace. The aim of workplace wellbeing is to ensure the safety of employees, if they are
satisfied, and if they are engaged at work. The wellbeing of workers is crucial to determine the
long-term effectiveness of the organization (Anitha, 2014). The general wellbeing and health of
an employee can be directly related to their overall productivity (Faragher, Cass and Cooper,
2013). In the current scenario, organizations are recognizing the increasing need for wellbeing of
their employees. There are many progressive organizations believe that their employees are their
most important resources and that is the main reason of appreciating their wellbeing. On the
contrary, many organizations have started focusing on the fact that wellbeing issues as they
previously were paying lesser attention towards needs of their employees. Stress management
and wellbeing issues are within the overall duty of employers that they owe to their employees.
There are potential issues that can affect the wellbeing of an employee and lack of recognizing
these issues can lead to an unsatisfied employee (O’neill and Davis, 2011). Workplace problems
such as stress, conflict, bullying, mental health issues demand the attention of employers.
Internal communication and focus on development and learning is a must for any organization to
make its workplace more satisfying and decent place. The growing trend shows that employers
are adopting global health promotion policies to cover issues concerning specific health
problems affecting employees. Understanding the risks to employees in relation to wellbeing and
stress is increasingly important responsibility for modern employers (Baum, 2016).
Stakeholders identified and why (200)
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Current organizational life often includes reduction in workforce, change in work patterns and
increased levels of uncertainty. A poorly handled organizational change can be a cause of stress
in the workplace. It is the responsibility and in the interest of the employer to manage the
pressure to minimize the impact on productivity. Managers who adopt good practice principles
can handle the complexities of maintaining wellbeing in the workplace. In order to maintain
healthy working environment, the enlistment of internal and external stakeholders is must to
work together. This will facilitate a strategic approach to provide support and wellness programs
and generate awareness. Stakeholders often comprise of employers, employees, senior
management, line managers, Human resource specialists, union representatives, hospital
authorities, communities, and families. Employers should be involved in local and at national
level programs and projects that are designed to promote wellbeing and health of employee.
Employers should create a supportive environment in workplace by ensuring physical safety,
healthy food, and physical activity. Civil authorities and communities ensure that government
and employers are held accountable for the employee health and safety. Trade Unions ensure
awareness among members of the benefits of healthy living. Employees can themselves take part
in workplace health improvement programs (Clarke and Hill, 2012).
Research methodology
Table 1 – Primary methods (method/justification for using)
Employee satisfaction survey The Employee satisfaction survey was used to measure
the overall satisfaction of existing employees in an
organization. The survey contains research-based
questions that also measure the drive employee
engagement and their level of satisfaction in the
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organization. The questions contain open-ended
questions to know employee responses.
Interviews with Employees and
Lower management
The interview conducted with the employees were face-
to-face conversations on their workplace environment,
safety and health measures taken, promotional activities
on health benefits, measures taken to retain employees
and improve overall productivity of employees.
Table 2 – Secondary methods (method/justification for using)
In order to complete the research following secondary data were used.
Local Government UK Health &
Wellness Report
The data gathered from the report provides the brief on
current workplace conditions and health of employees
with focus on case studies and evidence-based work.
The focus lies on employed individuals with poor health
conditions at workplace
HRIS Report The Human Resources Information System helps to
understand the employee turnover rate through turnover
reports. It will help ascertaining the factors that may be
causing employee turnover.
Sales and Financial Reports (2016
vs 2017)
The comparison between the 2016 and 2017 reports
state that employees are more concerned about their
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