Words : 2000 , At least 5 References Submission: 22nd feb Saturday Morning Q1: Describe the worst job Describe the worst job you have ever had. Any kind of work experience (including part time) is acceptable. If you do not have any work experience, then you may interview your family members or friends for their worst job. Each member should analyze his/her worst job using each of the five dimensions of the Job Characteristics Model (JCM) and provide specific examples. Q2: Redesigning the job using the JCM Imagine that you are a manager and has the power to redesign the worst job you described in Question 1. How would you redesign this job using the JCM? Again consider each of the five dimensions of the JCM and comment on how you would specifically improve each of the five dimensions. Try to make your solutions as practical as possible. In other words, I want to see you provide solutions that can actually be implemented to this job in order