Efficiency of Married Couples vs Unmarried Ones
Added on 2019-09-20
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Writing & ResearchCOMM 1312Marking Criteria for the Research Proposalpg. 1CRITERIAPOINTSPOINTSAWARDEDCOMMENTS1Cover Page1Header & Page numberRunning HeadTitleBylineAffiliation2Abstract2Say what project is aboutRationaleMethodFindings3Rationale24Qualification Statement (optional)(.50)Extra credit5Literature Review26Methodology17Expected Findings /Implications18References1TOTAL10/20
WRITING THE RESEARCH Dr. YAZAN MOHAMMAD AL GHAZOSection: 103Name: Ibrahim Naji AlhayazID: 201403285Major: Mechanical EngineerSubject: Writing and Research Proposal pg. 2
Married Couples are More Efficient than Unmarried onesAbstractIt is generally believed that a man needs extreme focus regarding the important topic. Without focus, the professional and even domestic tasks can't be performed. So, in this regard, it is generally believed that married people are more focused than unmarried ones. There are so many reasons behind it (Lecia Bushak,L. 2015). It is seen that bachelors do have many tasks to do in a day and they are just focused towards their career also they can't focus on any other things. Moreover, it has also been seen that married ones keep on managing things for each other so that both husband and wife can focus than the bachelor ones(Quine, W. V. 1951).RationaleI chose this topic because it could prove to be a unique topic which will keep the reader's interest maintained throughout the research. Not only that but for the reader's interest, there are three more topics that have been added to the main topic. The first one is; who’s is the better one,Married or single? (Newstead, S. 1992). This topic is actually related to the main topic which will describe the importance of being married and the increased efficiency after marriage. Moreover, in this topic, the views of both classes, single and married have been gathered. ( E., Pollard, P. 1992). The other topic is," Is this better to get married early?' This topic will also describe the importance of marriage and will tell the readers how married ones possess better energy than the singles. By such sub topics, the readers will fully understand the main topics (., Evans, J. S. B.1992). The third topic, in this regard is, "Who can more focus? Married one or a bachelor?" This topic will also deal with the main topic regarding the efficiency and focus to the pg. 3
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