
XML Information Retrieval System


Added on  2023-01-19

19 Pages1332 Words61 ViewsType: 61
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XML Information Retrieval System_1

Table of Content
Information Retrieval Model
XML Storage techniques
Indexing Techniques
XML Information Retrieval System_2

Retrieving information in XML is concerned
with all the processes used to capture data,
presentation of the captured data, storage,
organization as well as retrieval of the
Database is a collection of a correlated data
or information kept in an organized manner
for the purpose of easy retrieval
XML Information Retrieval System_3

Information Retrieval Model
In Information retrieval context, XML is given
emphasis only as a tool for encoding data in form
text or documents.
A feasibly more extensive usage of XML is for
encoding a non-text data.
This is for instance, a user may need to transfer
data using an XML -format starting from a
resource planning -system so as to read them with
an aim of producing analytical graphs to be used as
a presentation
XML Information Retrieval System_4

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