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Describes And Evaluate The Marketing Activity Of An Organization Which Is Relevant To Your Degree


Added on  2023/01/13

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This report analyzes the marketing activity of Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, a five-star hotel in London, and evaluates its current status, segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies, products/services, branding, and guest experience.

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Describes And Evaluate The
Marketing Activity Of An
Organization Which Is
Relevant To Your Degree-

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................3
Analysing the current status...................................................................................................3
Segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP)......................................................................4
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Marketing activities have been referred to all such practices as well as measures which
can be taken by any type of enterprise in order to achieve its marketing goals (Yang and Wang,
2015). The Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park is a five-star hotel in London which have been taken in
this report for understanding marketing activities by applying key concepts and some models in
Analysing the current status
Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park is one of the most premium hotels in the world which
render ample of services and facilities for making the brand more popular and to influence large
number of diverse people for visiting their hotel. Currently, the respective hotel is offering lots of
superior services for making their customers feel delightful. The technology plays a very
considerable role in making the company more renowned in worldwide. Travel agents are no
longer been more participative in making bookings. The comparative research of people due to
highly accessible websites and online services made the task easier and now a days people
themselves are capable enough of making reservations. Hotels like Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park
are constantly making alteration and advancements in their kind of facilities for making their
brand name throughout the world. Given hotel is famous for its distinctive design which have the
capability to render high class luxury and supreme services to their visitors. It has been observed
that for more than 50 years, such hotel is a leader in lavish hospitality and at the same time have
a highly proud and rich history which make the brand more extra ordinary.
The prime goal is to delight the guest in all possible way by making them feel relaxed
and satisfied. The processes of running and maintaining the services are fully regulated under
corporate social responsibility, they work as per environmental friendly manner and ensures that
all the functioning and operation is being under control (El-Gohary, 2016). The superior quality
room, visitation of big celebrities, high class food, supreme ambience, furniture’s, bar and
designing not only attract big businessman but it also makes the brand highly recognisable and
unique. Marketing tactics have found to assist such hotel in increasing revenue and number of
bookings. They have been working more at the area of marketing practices for overcoming their
loop holes and rectifying all errors which can get in their way for enriching the brand name like
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due to high pricing medium class people cannot get access in this hotel. They are working
distinctly from others so that they can become apart from their rivals by producing more crisp
website, making relevant and quick search engine optimisation, hiring skilled employees for
applying marketing measures more effectively and so on for producing the service quality more
Segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP)
STP model have been utilised by marketers by formulating their message in the most
designed and fashionable way so as to influence segmented and certain audience. The model
provides ample possibility in determining the extreme valuable customer and then to create such
product or marketing message which have the potential to ideally suits their demands or taste.
Due to such activities, the developed product or services can get sold out efficiently among
group of people. Some steps which are being employed in this model is Segmentation, targeting
and positioning. The marketing segmentation have been utilised crucially in dividing the
customers in several groups on the basis of their general wants and characteristic. Such practice
not only gives Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park an edge over their competitors but also help in
getting recognisable. Various ways are there which can be used in segmenting the target market
place (Camilleri, 2018). The customers as per this method can be divided on the basis of
demographic, geography, behavioural or psycho graphic approach. The marketing division of
respective hotel can also make segments in which one-part focus on newly married couples who
would like to explore nearby exotic places. Another segment may include middle class group
who want normal rooms with cheap packages which can be afforded easily for sake of their
children and families. The marketing manager must also add another segment which focus on
high class businessman or retirees who are specifically looking for lavish and luxurious services
with their supreme and deluxe rooms.
Another step of such model is targeting which comprise of evaluating how much profit or
revenue they can earn from each defined segments then they analyse the potential size and
growth which can be extracted from each client’s group. After analysing the amount of profit
which they are earning from segments, they later focus more on a certain group whose size and
growth is big enough (Martins and, 2017). Thus, segments which involve high business
class people may be selected. Positioning is a last step which determines how to place unique
and effective services to that group which has been recognised as highly valuable segment in

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targeting step. One of the factor from market mix will be selected, like pricing or place and then
unique styling and offering will be rendered to such group of segment which includes business
class and elite people for making high productivity.
The services which are rendered by respective hotel or in any hospitality sector may vary
depending upon the demands of customer as well as their capacity to spend certain amount of
money. Accommodation sector consist of providing a safe and hygienic place where the clients
can stay on temporary basis. The most important feature of tourism or hospitality industry is to
lend classic hotel room for making their stay counted (Veal, 2017). The respective hotel can
categorise their rooms based on the money client going to spend in one night. The newly married
couples must get more offering for honeymoon suites which renders beautiful accessories,
chances to explore exotic place and complimentary food or breakfast. Apart from such practices,
they should also give couples superior, free and cheap spa services, which attract diversified
people from various countries as a marketing practice. As per analysing the demands of
customers, such sector also includes catering services which provide best food and beverages to
local people so as to take a healthy break from their daily routine. Bed and breakfast are some
small set up which not only offers breakfast in beds but also provide overnight stays with elite
class bed, bathroom and personal space. The offerings like lodging, housekeeping, room service,
drinking and food facilities are included in the normal accommodation of hotels. The services of
Food and beverages which are being provided in all hospitality sector play a very necessary role
in offering people such time where they can relax and spend their leisure time using food as a
medium to socialise with other people and making strong bonds. They should provide
complimentary food or some discounts on food for those people who are staying in such hotel for
more than three days. Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park hotel also provide nightclubs, bar and cafe
for making people more socialise and can meet with various people at a same location to enjoy
and share drinks. They serve drinks and play trans music and dancing from different cultures,
which make the experience of people ever lasting and they make the brand popular with mouth
to mouth publicity (Jaafar and Rasoolimanesh, 2015). Car rental services must also be upgraded
for allowing customers to take long rides and can tour in different area at free or low cost, or
either the hotel can make a package which can include all such travel expenses too.
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Branding have been defined as a concept or image of an organisation in market place
which are mostly recognised by people living world wide and they assume the affectivity of their
provided services by such means only. Branding is a kind of marketing practice which can be
utilised as a name, design, symbol which have the capability to distinguish their services with
others. An effective brand renders ample of chances to the company for enhancing the
competitive power in their domain market (Minazzi, 2015). The brand marketing practice allows
the business to promote their services in such a way that can highlight the name of brand and its
entire workings.
The chief objective of branding is to connect missions, aims and goals of hotel with the
outside people, due to which a strong bridge is produced between potential customer and product
that not only make the bond among client and hotel effective but its also make the brand
globalise. Brand marketing is not just associated with making logos but they focus on meeting
long term plans that can have a huge impact on the operation of hotel. For using such strategy the
primary goal is to evaluate where the brand is currently being placed, if the hotel is in perfect
shape then they can make it more world wide and if the branding is not being applicable fully
then they can make some major changes or can adopt high strategic practices to re assess or
restock their resources. All patterns and service which are allotted in the hotel must be shown to
all audience with honesty and transparency, so that customer can easily trust the brand.
Assistance of social media is one of the biggest way in branding, such practice help people in
attaching with brand by just looking their guest pictures and ambience. The hotel staff can also
show various packages and discounts which will be offered in various festival season to
customers for promoting the brand. A well maintained and highly designed and rooms must be
displayed at hotel website which must have potential to reflect their local culture, history,
exclusive offerings and added feedbacks of guest which throw a direct spotlight on the brand and
help in promoting the hotel to such places where they can add new essence and sensations
(Gowreesunkar, Séraphin and Morrison, 2018).
The experience of guest after or during their stay is quite important while considering the
success rate and the effectiveness of operations. The feedbacks of visitors either positive or
negative help the staff and marketers in shaping the functioning of services. Positive experience
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aid in promoting the brand while negative feedbacks assist in making some basic or general
alteration as well as modifications which are required in forming the hotel services and
experiences better. It has been found that people who have difficulty while making reservation or
talking with the managers does not share good thoughts about the brand and thus create a friction
in the experience level of customers. Hotel, thus should implement such high tech and advanced
websites or their own applications for smoothing the process of reserving rooms or table. The
hotels are constantly working for delivering personalised experience to the guest for evolving
visitors expectations rendering them best and 100% tailored solutions for any kind of problem. In
hospitality industry, the demands are then tailored and such approach are evolved more for
meeting with the needs of people in the most cost effectively mode. The brand now a days are
designing such experiences which ensures travellers to challenge themselves and also allow them
to get connected with local as well as outside people by offering new rides. They can also
provide such environment where the guest can peace out and can meditate, such practice not only
make the experience of people beautiful but also make them ready to face daily activities and
task in their office life (Getz and Page, 2016). A major part of human experience is food quality,
ways in which food are presented in front of guest make their experience more sharing and
unique, thus travellers choose such restaurants or hotels who can render such exclusive food
focussed experiences. Youths now a days make sure that all workings are being done in eco
friendly way, thus hotel must assure to sum their errands and functioning in most energy saving
and cost effective way, where all processes should be done without the use of plastics and more
environmental friendly materials must be utilised in promoting guest experience.
From the above report it can be concluded that, In hospitality sector, such marketing
measures are very essential to critically form a brand and to attract large number of customers,
such practices may includes advertising, websites, brochures, good experience, high services and
upgraded services.

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Books and Journals
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Veal, A.J., 2017. Research methods for leisure and tourism. Pearson UK.
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