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Write a program to convert a non-negative ...

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17 Sep 2021

Write a program to convert a non-negative integer N to its Roman numeral representation. Roman numerals are usually written largest to smallest from left to right. symbol value I 1 V 5 X 10 L 50 C 100 D 500 M 1000 A number containing several decimal digits is built by appending Roman numeral equivalent for each, from highest to lowest, as in the following examples: 39 = XXX + IX = XXXIX. 246 = CC + XL + VI = CCXLVI. 789 = DCC + LXXX + IX = DCCLXXXIX. 2,421 = MM + CD + XX + I = MMCDXXI. 160 = C + LX = CLX 207 = CC + VII = CCVII 1,009 = M + IX = MIX 1,066 = M + LX + VI = MLXVI 1776 = M + DCC + LXX + VI = MDCCLXXVI 1918 = M + CM + X + VIII = MCMXVIII Input The input will be a single line containing a positive integer N. The input number should not be greater than 104. Output The output should be a single line containing a representation of the Roman Numeral of the number N. See Roman Numerals Table for Symbol and corresponding value. Sample Input 1 2 Sample Output 1 II Sample Input 2 1994 Sample Output 2 MCMXCIV


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17 Sep 2021

We implement the Roman Numeral conversion program in Python Language. Here we use two lists, the first list contains the unique value of numbers and t...

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