This report delves into the intricacies of asset impairment and valuation, focusing on the application of AASB 136 (Impairment of Assets) and AASB 13 (Fair Value Measurement). It defines key terms such as asset useful life, value-in-use, cash-generating unit (CGU), discounting rate, depreciable amount, fair value, impairment loss, cost of disposal, and recoverable amount. The report provides a detailed explanation of how to compute recoverable amount, value in use, and fair value less cost of disposal, referencing the relevant paragraphs within the standards. It emphasizes the importance of considering market participant characteristics and the use of observable inputs in determining fair value. The report further outlines the elements involved in calculating value-in-use, including estimated future cash flows, discount rates, and the impact of uncertainty. It also provides insights into the methods for estimating cash flows, including management assumptions and the treatment of restructuring and financing activities. Finally, the report highlights the relationship between recoverable amount and asset carrying value in determining impairment loss.