This essay delves into the crucial professional skills essential for success in the fields of business and finance, with a strong emphasis on academic integrity and ethical conduct. It begins by defining professional skills and highlighting their importance in managing financial resources effectively. The essay then explores the concept of academic integrity, defining plagiarism, copyright infringement, and various types of academic offences. It emphasizes the severe consequences of plagiarism, including potential damage to future career prospects and academic standing. The essay also discusses the significance of ethics in the business environment, underscoring the importance of a business owner's competence and integrity. It presents a case study illustrating the consequences of academic dishonesty and the impact on an individual's professional life. Furthermore, the essay examines the role of the internet in both enabling and mitigating academic offences. It concludes by offering practical methods for avoiding plagiarism, such as critical thinking, proper citation, paraphrasing, and the use of plagiarism detection tools. The essay reinforces the necessity of ethical behavior to attain financial competence in an organizational context.