This report, prepared for the Further Academic Skills module (BMP3003), delves into the multifaceted concept of academic integrity within higher education. The first section of the report introduces academic integrity, defining it as the ethical conduct expected of scholars, emphasizing honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. It then elucidates the importance of upholding academic integrity for both students and institutions, highlighting its role in fostering new ideas, developing skills, and maintaining the reputation of the university. The report also examines the implications of academic misconduct, including academic and legal consequences, loss of intellectual property, inaccurate assessments, and other practical concerns. The second section provides a reflection on the process of designing a game for a previous assignment, detailing the steps taken, the challenges encountered, and the skills learned and utilized during the game's creation, such as imagination, creativity, design, organization, and written communication. The report concludes by summarizing the key findings and emphasizing the significance of academic integrity in the academic environment.