This annotated bibliography examines the cybersecurity implications of emerging artificial intelligence (AI) applications within critical infrastructure sectors. The assignment requires a review of ten scholarly sources, including journal articles, conference proceedings, and dissertations, focusing on AI technologies deployed in or used to build, operate, support, or maintain critical infrastructure (e.g., utilities, transportation, smart cities). The deliverable is a descriptive or informative annotated bibliography, including an introductory paragraph, APA-formatted references, and annotations summarizing each source. Each annotation includes a description of the technology, its characteristics, planned uses in critical infrastructure, and an evaluation of its cybersecurity implications, considering both positive and negative impacts on the security posture. The analysis incorporates the Five Pillars of Information Assurance and Information Security, addressing confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, non-repudiation, protection, detection, reaction, documentation, and prevention. The sources must have a publication date of 2013 or later and are indexed in databases such as ACM Digital Library and IEEE Computer Society Digital Library. The goal is to identify and evaluate the cybersecurity implications of emerging AI applications for critical infrastructure, with the perspective of senior executives who will decide which emerging applications of technologies should be selected for a security-focused Internal Research & Development projects during the next budget cycle.