This research report examines the detrimental effects of fast food consumption on human intelligence and overall health. It highlights the aims and objectives of understanding this impact, including evaluating the effects on productivity, differentiating between healthy and unhealthy food, and analyzing the link between fast food and obesity. The literature review emphasizes the importance of homemade, nutritious food and the negative consequences of high-fat, high-calorie diets on cognitive abilities and physical development, especially in children. The research methodology employs the CARP test and sampling methods to gather relevant data. Recommendations include increasing awareness about the dangers of fast food and educating children in schools about healthy eating habits. The conclusion reiterates the risks of diseases like diabetes and heart disease due to fast food, advocating for a shift towards healthier, homemade meals to improve brain function and overall well-being. Desklib provides students with access to this report and many other solved assignments.