This project report details the design of an arsenic detector in water, undertaken as a chemical engineering project. The project aimed to detect arsenic in drinking water, a significant health hazard. The report outlines the project background, objectives, and the student's role, which included designing the arsenic detector and documenting the project. It discusses the engineering knowledge applied, particularly hydraulics and distillation, and the theory behind arsenic detection, including the toxicity of arsenic and its various forms in the environment. The project utilized multiple detection methods, including colorimetric test kits, portable X-ray fluorescence, and Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV). The report also addresses challenges faced, such as difficulties with X-ray fluorescence, and the solutions implemented. The student utilized their chemical engineering skills and knowledge to overcome the challenges. The project emphasizes the importance of teamwork and professional guidance in completing the project successfully. Finally, the project involved planning for creative and innovative work, with weekly meetings and workshops to enhance understanding and address project issues effectively.