This document presents a database design for an artist-music management system, addressing the limitations of existing systems by providing a structured approach to storing and managing artist and group information. The proposed system includes entities such as ARTIST, GROUP, SOLO PERFORMER, and INSTRUMENT, with SOLO PERFORMER being a specialized type of artist who may or may not belong to a group and can play multiple instruments. The design encompasses a conceptual model represented by an Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram, a logical database design with normalized tables for Artist, Group, GroupMember, SoloPerformer, Instrument, SoloPerformerInstrument, Owner, Concert, and Gig, along with database indexes to ensure data integrity and efficient retrieval. The document also provides SQL queries demonstrating key database operations such as selecting data, performing inner and outer joins, using count and sorting functions, and implementing conditional queries and sub-queries to manage and retrieve information about artists, groups, and their relationships within the system.