This case study presents an analysis of the feasibility of launching a smart watch business in Australia. The project assesses the economic scenario and market conditions, conducting a thorough economic and financial analysis. It involves a literature review, methodology development, capital budgeting, sensitivity analysis, and break-even analysis. The scope includes developing a business plan for selling smart watches, with objectives centered on setting up a profitable venture. The methodology incorporates break-even analysis, cash flow forecasting, and sensitivity analysis, using parameters such as expenditures, capital costs, and growth rates. Financial models are developed, considering depreciation, inflation, and interest rates. The analysis identifies constraints, risks, and determines cash inflows and outflows. Financial metrics such as net profit margin, return on equity, and closing cash balance are evaluated. Non-financial factors like employee behavior, adherence to regulations, organizational structure, and environmental considerations are also assessed. Sensitivity analysis reveals the impact of inflation, growth rate, and WACC. Recommendations include price strategy, cost minimization, online platform utilization, and resource enhancement. The conclusion deems the project feasible, highlighting the importance of a positive net present value and the challenges posed by changing technology.