This programming assignment for CMSC 3613 requires the implementation of an AVL tree in C++. The primary tasks involve implementing the `rotate_right()` and `left_balance()` functions, paying close attention to balance factors and the `longer` boolean value. The program's input will be a series of insert and delete operations from a data file, and the output must be a pre-order traversal of the tree. Extra credit is awarded for implementing the `avl_delete()` function. Students must create a folder named "p04" on their Linux server account, place their source code in this folder, and submit a report including their name, email, project details, implementation discussion, a test run screenshot, and source code. The program is evaluated based on the correctness of the tree methods and the quality of the code. The rubric includes points for `rotate_right`, `left_balance`, `avl_delete`, and a report.