This report delves into the intricacies of intercultural communication, examining the various barriers that hinder effective exchange between individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. It begins by defining intercultural communication and exploring the levels of culture within organizations, referencing Edgar Schein's model of Espoused Values, Basic Underlying Assumptions, and Artifacts and Symbols. The report highlights the crucial relationship between language and culture, emphasizing how language serves as a foundation for cultural identity and perception. The core of the report focuses on identifying and analyzing common barriers to intercultural communication, including stereotyping, ethnocentrism, presentation issues, and cultural differences within the workplace. It provides real-world examples, such as studies on Amazon's employee perceptions and communication in Australian companies, to illustrate these challenges. The report concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding cultural diversity and offers insights into how organizations can foster effective intercultural communication to enhance their overall performance and create a more inclusive environment.