This review critically analyzes the article 'Strategy and Structure in International Multi-Business Groups' by Pierre Romelaer and Hanane Beddi, focusing on their examination of the global integration/local responsiveness (I/R) perspective in multinational companies. The article's purpose is to deconstruct the notions of integration and responsiveness, highlighting the limitations of the traditional I/R perspective. It employs the M-Form organizational structure as a theoretical framework to analyze strategic decisions, assessing the various models used by MNCs. The methodology involves analyzing the integration or responsiveness grid (IR Grid) for control and power dynamics, drawing data from international organizations. The review finds the article provides valuable insights into business firms' operations, particularly strategic business units, but notes the complexity of MNCs isn't fully addressed. The I/G Grid is useful for comparing organizations and identifying commonalities, but the article's limitation is its failure to consider the complexity of MNCs.