This research project investigates the influence of brand loyalty on consumer buying behavior within the hospitality sector, using Hilton Hotels as a case study. The project begins with an introduction to brand loyalty, defining it as a customer's commitment to a brand, leading to repeat purchases despite competitors' efforts. The aims and objectives are outlined, including identifying brand loyalty factors, understanding the relationship between brand loyalty and customer satisfaction, evaluating the impact on repurchase intentions, and recommending strategies for building stronger brand loyalty. The research questions explore the key factors influencing buying behavior, the relationship between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, the benefits of strong brand loyalty, and how this understanding helps Hilton achieve high profitability. The rationale highlights the importance of understanding this relationship for improving sales and profitability. The research methodology employs positivism and interpretivism philosophies, with a deductive research approach. Data collection involves both primary (questionnaires) and secondary sources (books, journals, websites), using systematic sampling. Data analysis utilizes a descriptive method to evaluate the collected data. A detailed timeline outlines the project's stages, from topic selection to final submission. The project concludes with a list of references, including books and journals related to brand loyalty, value co-creation, and research methodologies.