This is a quiz for the World Religions course (GHUM 1143) that tests knowledge of Buddhism and Judaism. The Buddhism section covers topics like Dhyana/Jhana, the Dalai Lama, Vajrayana Buddhism, the six perfections (prajna), almsgiving (dana), Buddhist monks (Bhikshus) and nuns (Bhiksuni), mudras, Zen Buddhism sects (Rinzai and Soto), the Fundamentals of Dharma (Dhamma/Dhammapada), Jataka stories, the term Arhant, Dr. Bhimrao R. Ambedkar's role in reviving Buddhism in India, the Temple of the Tooth in Sri Lanka, Padmasambhava, Bodhisattvas, the Eightfold Path, Shakyamuni, Zazen, Mandalas, and the Triple Gem. The Judaism section includes questions on the definition of Israel, Mishnah interpretations (halakha and haggadah/aggadah), Tsaddik, the First Temple of Jerusalem (King Solomon), the Pentateuch, the revolt against Roman occupation (Shimon bar Kosiba), Kashrut, Mitzvah, Isaac Luria, Maimonides, Responsa, Minyan, Adonai, Theodor Herzel and Zionism, Haredim, Pharisees, Tanakh, Babylonian Talmud, The Zohar, and the Pentateuch. Desklib provides access to similar past papers and solved assignments.