This project provides a comprehensive overview of the legal requirements in the building and construction industry. It begins by outlining five main types of building contracts, including the Australian Building Industry Contract (ABIC), Australian Standard General Conditions of Contracts, Master Builders Association of Victoria (MBAV) Contracts, Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs Conseils (FIDIC) contracts, and New Engineering Contract (NEC), along with their respective applications. The project then details relevant Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) acts and regulations, emphasizing the obligations of both the Principal Contractor and employees. It further explores three essential types of insurance for builders: general liability, builder's risk, and professional liability. The project also discusses organizational policies and procedures related to discrimination and harassment, including commitment, policy development, barrier removal, case handling, and policy application. Additionally, it identifies key codes, acts, regulations, and standards such as the Building Act of 1975 (Queensland), the Building Regulations of 2006, and the Queensland Development Code. The project also covers licensing and registration requirements for personnel, and explains Australian Standards, specifically AS1720, AS3600, and AS4100. The project concludes with the essential details required in an invoice, relevant legislation for on-site construction and applicable environmental legislation, and a breakdown of insurance clauses and subcontractor information.