This report assesses a proposed 4-dwelling townhouse development in Nirimba City Council against the local Development Control Plan (DCP) for medium-density housing. The report analyzes various aspects of the design, including site definition, drainage, site requirements, building setbacks, building design, solar access, building height, private courts, clothes drying yards, common open space, landscaping, setbacks of dwellings, off-street car parking, car park dimensions, accessways, fencing and screen walls, privacy, views, refuse collection, and laundry facilities. The assessment identifies instances of non-compliance with the DCP, such as inadequate street frontage, setbacks, common open space, and the need for shadow diagrams, and recommends necessary modifications to achieve compliance. The report concludes that while approximately 70% of the regulations have been met, specific actions are required to gain full approval for construction to commence, highlighting the importance of adhering to local building codes and regulations.