This assignment solution addresses two case studies related to business and corporate law. Part A focuses on contract law, examining issues of offer, acceptance, and revocation in a promotional context involving a fast-food company and its customers. It analyzes whether the company is obligated to provide a car to customers based on the terms of its promotion. Part B delves into corporations law, analyzing a scenario where a company, Sparkling Pty Limited, takes out a loan. The case explores the validity of the loan, considering the managing director's authority, the company's constitution, and the application of the doctrine of indoor management. The solution examines whether the bank can claim the loan amount, even if the loan's purpose falls outside the company's usual activities, and considers the implications of the managing director exceeding her authority. The analysis references relevant legal principles, including sections 125 and 126 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Royal British Bank v Turquand (1856) case.