This assignment report analyzes a business law case study involving a customer, Stan, and a restaurant, MacBig, focusing on contract formation and an exclusion clause. The report examines the elements of a contract, including offer, acceptance, consideration, capacity, and intention to create legal relations, within the context of the restaurant's self-service system. It assesses whether the restaurant's actions constituted an invitation to treat or an offer. Furthermore, the report investigates the validity of an exclusion clause printed on a ticket, considering whether it was properly incorporated into the contract. The analysis applies relevant legal principles and case law, such as Fisher v Bell, Butler Machine Tool v Ex-cell-o Corporation, Chappell v Nestle, Balfour v Balfour, Edwards v Skyways Ltd, and Olley v Marlborough Court, to determine the rights and obligations of each party. The report concludes with an assessment of whether the exclusion clause can be relied upon by the restaurant.