This project is an A3 digital poster focusing on the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA) and the role of a nurse in contributing to a more just global community. The assignment begins with an overview of CAPSA, an Australian-based organization supporting asylum seekers, detailing its mission and projects. It then explores CAPSA's contribution to the common good, particularly in addressing the challenges faced by asylum seekers in detention centers, including abuse and mental health issues. The core of the project highlights the professional contributions of a nurse, emphasizing the importance of healthcare encounters, cultural understanding, and empathetic care in providing services to refugees and asylum seekers. The nurse's role involves physical and mental health assessments, understanding the host nation's healthcare system, and advocating for the needs of this vulnerable population. The project also provides references supporting the arguments, and discusses the application of cosmopolitanism, and the role of facilitators and challenges in healthcare delivery.