This case study presents a 63-year-old man, Mr. Solomon, with a history of multiple health issues including myocardial infarctions, hypertension, diabetes, and recent heart surgery, who presents with new onset breathing problems. The case details his symptoms, vital signs, physical examination findings, and laboratory results, revealing signs of heart failure and other complications. The assignment requires the student to provide a family nursing perspective, including a focused history and physical exam, discussion of the disease process, health risks, and relevant guidelines. It also addresses home care issues that may impact the patient. The solution incorporates patient and family teaching, diagnostic procedures, and treatment plans, with references to supporting literature. The case emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis, comprehensive assessment, and the role of family in patient care and management of cardiovascular diseases. The provided solution focuses on the medical history, physical examination, laboratory data, and the development of a care plan, including patient education and pharmacological interventions for the patient's condition. The ultimate goal is to provide appropriate medication and create awareness among the family to carry out proper interventions or taking the right call at the time of need by understanding the patient situation.