This assignment is a student's completed workbook for the BSBPRO401 Develop Product Knowledge unit, part of a Certificate IV in Business program at the Australia Institute. The assessment is divided into two events: short answer questions and a simulation. The first event evaluates the student's understanding of product information sources, competitor analysis, and relevant legislation regulating the sales process. The second event involves a simulation where the student, acting as a Product Specialist, prepares and delivers a sales session for a diploma course, including identifying product features, benefits, strengths, weaknesses, and comparing them with competitors. The student is required to identify and evaluate information sources, analyze competitive positioning, and present product information to a potential customer. The workbook includes tables and written responses to demonstrate the student's understanding of the concepts and their ability to apply them in a practical scenario. The assessment adheres to specific guidelines, including the use of dot points where appropriate, and emphasizes the importance of original work and proper citation of external sources. The student also completed a pre-assessment checklist to confirm their understanding of the assessment requirements.