This report focuses on formulating a clinical question using the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) framework, specifically addressing the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes. The student identifies the target population as diabetic patients aged 10-80, highlighting the prevalence of the disease in Australia. The intervention explored is physical activity, a common and cost-effective method for managing diabetes. The report compares physical activity with medication and dietary changes, citing various studies that support or contradict the effectiveness of each approach. The expected outcome of the intervention is the maintenance of blood glucose levels and improved quality of life for patients. The formulated clinical question is: 'Is physical activity alone likely to be an effective treatment for Type 2 Diabetes or it will give much better result when accompanied by medication?' The rationale for choosing the question is the conflicting evidence regarding the effectiveness of different interventions. The clinical relevance is emphasized by the high mortality rate associated with diabetes and the need for effective interventions to reduce the health burden. The report references several studies supporting the chosen interventions and outcomes.