This case study, designed for an MBA403 course, presents a financial analysis of Cochlear, focusing on the years 2018 and 2019. Students were tasked with calculating and interpreting key financial ratios, including the quick ratio (liquidity), debt-to-equity ratio (stability), net profit margin (profitability), and solvency ratio. The analysis involves calculating these ratios using provided financial data, explaining the rationale behind choosing each ratio, and interpreting the implications of the results on Cochlear's financial status. The assignment also required students to identify the financial ratio that posed the most business risk to Cochlear and justify their selection. The analysis highlighted Cochlear's financial performance, including its liquidity, stability, and profitability, as well as the business risks faced by the company. The student's analysis demonstrated an understanding of financial ratios and their application in assessing a company's financial health and risk profile.