This assignment presents two case studies focusing on the care of older adults. The first case study involves an 86-year-old man, Louis Stewart, who presents with delirium following food poisoning, highlighting the importance of assessing and managing this condition in elderly patients, including addressing potential causes like medication toxicity and providing a supportive environment. The second case study centers on a 72-year-old woman, Josie, diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer and referred to palliative care, emphasizing the holistic approach to improve the quality of life for patients with chronic diseases, including the consideration of psychological and emotional well-being, and respecting the patients' wishes. Both case studies require discussions of biophysical and psychosocial processes, identification of assessment tools, outlining priorities of care, and addressing equity, rights, and access issues. The assignment underscores the significance of comprehensive care plans tailored to the specific needs of older adults in diverse healthcare settings.