This report presents a discussion of a study investigating the effectiveness of a 6-week core training program on trainee riders from the Hong Kong Jockey Club. The study examines the relationship between balance, core endurance, and low back pain, using the Y-Balance Test, Swiss Ball Four Point Kneeling Test, and Biering-Sorensen Test, among others. Statistical analysis using IBM SPSS software is employed to assess the pre- and post-training results. The discussion analyzes the impact of the training program on dynamic balance, core stability, and static core endurance. The report highlights the significance of neuromuscular control and the potential of combining balance and flexibility exercises to reduce low back pain. The limitations of the study, including the confidentiality of the riders' training programs and the short duration of the intervention, are also addressed. The report concludes that statistical analysis is helpful in understanding the effectiveness of training programs. The discussion also offers suggestions for further research.