This report presents a critical appraisal of three articles focused on the quality of life of dementia patients. It begins with an introduction highlighting the challenges in healthcare and society regarding dementia, followed by a description of the search strategy employed to identify relevant literature from databases like CINAHL, PubMed, and Medline. The report then formulates a research question concerning whether assistance can improve the condition of dementia patients. The core of the report consists of a detailed critical appraisal of two articles, one quantitative and one qualitative, examining aspects such as study design, participant selection, data collection methods, statistical analysis, and interpretation of results. The quantitative study by Giebel, Sutcliffe, and Challis is analyzed for its methodology, data analysis techniques, and interpretation of findings, including the use of ANOVA and correlation measures. The qualitative study is evaluated for its appropriateness, participant selection, data collection methods, and analysis techniques. The report also discusses the researcher's perspective, the methods used for data collection and analysis, and the quality control measures implemented. The report concludes by summarizing the key findings and implications of the appraised articles.