This report provides a critical evaluation of hand hygiene practices within the Terrace Gardens Aged Care Facility, focusing on a gastro outbreak scenario. The report begins with an introduction to hand hygiene, emphasizing its importance in reducing the transmission of infections, particularly in aged care settings. It highlights the specific context of the facility, including the problem of staff not washing hands for the recommended 20 seconds. The background section outlines the negative impacts of poor hand hygiene on both patients and staff, emphasizing the facility's adherence to the 5 Moments of Hand Hygiene. The strategy section proposes interventions to improve hand hygiene compliance, including the availability of alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR), visual reminders, high-tech hand washing scanners, and staff training. The report also discusses the implementation process, involving the development of an infection control committee and communication with stakeholders. The report is a comprehensive analysis aimed at improving hand hygiene and reducing infection risks in the aged care facility.