This report provides an in-depth analysis of Dexus, an Australian Real Estate Investment Trust, examining its financial reporting practices. The report begins by determining whether Dexus qualifies as a reporting entity, considering its adherence to General Purpose Financial Reporting (GPFR) standards, its listing on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), and its provision of detailed financial information to investors. The analysis then delves into the concepts of relevance and representational faithfulness in Dexus's financial statements, evaluating how the company ensures the timely and accurate presentation of financial data to its stakeholders. The report highlights the importance of these concepts in enabling informed investment decisions and maintaining investor trust. Furthermore, the report examines Dexus's annual financial reports, assessing how the company balances relevance and faithfulness in its reporting practices and how it complies with Australian Accounting Standards and Corporation Regulations. The conclusion summarizes the findings, emphasizing Dexus's commitment to transparent and reliable financial reporting.