This case study presents a detailed analysis of Agnes, a 72-year-old elderly resident with poor appetite, hypertension, and high blood cholesterol levels, residing in an aged care facility. The assignment involves a comprehensive review of Agnes's daily dietary intake, including the assessment of energy, macronutrient, micronutrient, and other dietary components. The analysis compares Agnes's average daily intake against Estimated Average Requirements (EARs), Recommended Dietary Intakes (RDIs), Adequate Intakes (AIs), and Suggested Dietary Targets (SDTs) to identify potential deficiencies and excesses. The provided data encompasses detailed information on various food groups, including grains, fruits, vegetables, protein sources, dairy, and added sugars. The study also includes a breakdown of the percentage of energy derived from protein, fat, carbohydrates, and alcohol, along with the ratio of different types of fats. Finally, a food list detailing the weight percentage of individual food items in Agnes's diet is provided. The goal is to evaluate Agnes's nutritional status and offer practical strategies to address her health concerns and improve her dietary intake.