This report delves into the realm of digital certificate technology, emphasizing its pivotal role in ensuring internet security through the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). It elucidates how digital certificates authenticate web credentials, enabling secure information exchange. The report explores the various security measures, such as confidentiality, authentication, and access control, that digital certificates provide. However, it also highlights the vulnerabilities and drawbacks associated with this technology, including the risks of fraudulent certificates, malware, and compromised Certificate Authorities (CAs). The report discusses the potential for cybercrimes and the importance of maintaining strong security practices to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information. It also examines the ways in which digital certificates can be compromised, such as through the use of weak encryption algorithms like MD5 and the exploitation of expired or self-signed certificates. Finally, the report provides recommendations for mitigating these risks, including the use of trusted CAs, regular updates of internet client software, and the implementation of robust PKIs.