This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the marketing strategies employed by Dove and Sure deodorants, focusing on the application of the 4Ps marketing mix: product, price, place, and promotion. The report begins with an executive summary outlining the research objectives and methodology, which includes secondary and observational research to examine trends in both brands. A detailed comparison of the target markets for Dove and Sure is presented, highlighting similarities and differences in age groups, gender, income levels, education, social class, lifestyles, and promotional strategies. The product sections delve into the core functionality, expected attributes, augmented features, and potential benefits of each brand, using Levitt's and Aaker's models to analyze their brand personalities. The pricing strategies of Dove and Sure are examined, with Dove utilizing a competitive pricing approach and Sure employing a value-based pricing strategy. The report then explores the distribution strategies of both brands, including channel management, types of stores, and mass production versus targeted distribution. Finally, the promotional strategies of Dove and Sure are compared, including their use of television advertisements, social media, sales incentives, and brand positioning. The report concludes with a summary of findings and recommendations for improving the application of the 4Ps marketing mix for both brands.