This assignment involves the design of a drinking water treatment plant for a newly formed city, considering a design capacity of 1+0.2*last digit of the student ID m3/s, with initial demand at half capacity. The assignment begins with an analysis of water quality parameters, including conductivity, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, and pH, determining their significance and treatment priorities. The core of the assignment focuses on the detailed design of various treatment units, including coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, rapid sand filtration, and disinfection facilities. The solution proposes methods for Fe2+ and Mn2+ removal, suggesting their placement within the process train and provides calculations. Furthermore, the assignment addresses the impact of pH changes on water chemistry, the implications of chlorine levels on treatment processes, and the calculation of the CT value. It identifies parameters needing priority, explores problems associated with Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), and recommends a distribution pH of 6.5. The assignment also covers softening techniques and the use of ion exchange systems to remove water hardness.